Project for support of the participation of West Balkan countries in the work of the EEA Wim Mol European Topic Centre on Air pollution and Climate change Mitigation (ETC/ACM)
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 2 Contents ETC/ACM Support on Air Quality –Focus on Exchange of Information Decision under the Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC Support on Air Emissions –Focus on reporting of air pollutants under the National Emission Ceiling Directive 2001/81/EC; and greenhouse gases under the EU Monitoring Mechanism 280/2004/EC
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 3 ETC/ACM European Topic Centre on Air pollution and Climate change Mitigation Consortium of 10 Institutes under contract of EEA Framework Partnership Agreement 1 Jan – 31 Dec (maybe extension to 2014) Subjects: Air Quality Emissions air and climate Energy (durable/renewable) Transport (emissions, concentrations/impacts) Coherence air & climate
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 4 ETC/ACM RIVM NL Leading institute Partners: UBA-Vienna AT AEA-Technology UK Oeko-Institut GE NILU NO Emisia (Uni Thessaloniki) GR INERIS FR PBL NL CHMI CZ CSIC/IDAEA ES
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 5 ETC/ACM Specific project for the participation of West Balkan Countries in the work of the European Environment Agency (second IPA Program). March – November 2011 Aim: strengthen current cooperation in the field of air emissions and air quality
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 6 Support on Air Quality Two workshops, both in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Training provided by RIVM and CHMI Participating WB countries: –Albania –Bosnia and Herzegovina –Croatia –Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia –Kosovo under UNSCR1244/99 –Montenegro –Serbia
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 7 Support on Air Quality Aim first (kick-off) workshop (June 2011): To obtain a comprehensive overview of the state of play and the developments of AQ in the near future and to identify problems and issues for further support Issues discussed: national monitoring and AQ reporting systems regular AQ data exchange
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 8 Support on Air Quality Presentations WB countries on: –Current status AQ monitoring and reporting –Institutional arrangements –Quality aspects AQ data monitoring –Dataflows and reporting –Options for improvement –How can EEA & ETC/ACM help?
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 9 Support on Air Quality General findings: Institutional issues: –Responsibilities at different ministeries/ organisations; –AQ networks: strengthen organisation; –budget for maintenance and/or extension AQ networks; –Invest in sufficient trained staff for full cycle (from monitoring to AQ assessment); Content issues: –Strenghthen QA/QC (validation) on AQ stations
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 10 Support on Air Quality General findings (ctd): –Participation in AQUILA (scientific network AQ measurements) and FAIRMODE (modeling network) would help build up capacities; –Work on a central database for AQ data; –Work towards automatic data transfer from AQ stations.
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 11 Support on Air Quality Most of the (institutional) issues to be dealt with on national and EU level (e.g. twinning projects); ETC/ACM support under this IPA project: –Improve/extend AQ reporting (EoI, Questionnaire, NRT and SOR); –Principles on data quality procedures.
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 12 Support on Air Quality Second workshop (October 2011): Same participants; Main issues: –AQ Data quality (data quality objectives, legislation, QA/QC procedures of AQ monitoring data); –Hands-on training DEM (Data Exchange Module for the EoI)
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 13 Support on Air Quality Potential issues for support next year(s): Further build up capacities, e.g. by strengthening participation in AQUILA and FAIRMODE; Provide support on filling in AQ Questionnaire; Strengthen participation in NRT (Near Real Time porting) and improvement Summer Ozone Reporting; Extra DEM training and support QA/QC procedures for some countries just starting AQ reporting
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 14 Support on Air Emissions RENA workshop Nov. in Tirana: –training on Greenhouse gases, use of CRF Reporter. Workshop for all WB countries, Nov. in Bar: –training on compilation, reporting of AE inventories, transparency and documentation; –EMEP/EEA review process of AE inventories; –estimation and reporting of emissions from agriculture sector 2 Experts (Serbia and Montenegro) participated in Stage 3 (in depth) review of Emission Inventory Reports, June, Copenhagen
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 15 Support on Air Emissions General findings: Institutional issues: –strengthen organisation: most participants little experienced in emission inventory work Content issues –Experiences and plans on aspects of emission inventories and reporting were discussed. Some countries use CollectER; others consider start using CollectER;
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 16 Support on Air Emissions General findings, ctd: Usefull exchange of experiences, welcomed by all participants. Recommendation to participants: check and use available literature (IPCC guidelines, EMEP/EEA guidebook);
WB workshop Nov Bar Montenegro 17 Support on Air Emissions Potential issues for support next year(s): Organize regional workshops more frequently (former workshop was in 2008); Consider hands on training on CollectER for the WB countries Participation in review activities helps building up experiences