Implementation of waste management plans in Montenegro 2013 workshop on Waste Policy Implementation May 2013 Copenhagen
Main challenges in implementing waste management plans National Waste Management Plan Preparation of new National WM Plan, lined with new WM Law from 2011, is underway. It is expected that the Government of MNE will adopt it no later than in the first quarter of 2014.
Main challenges in implementing waste management plans Removal of minor and reclamation and remediation of major illegal landfills Establishing a system of records of waste streams Addressing the issue of adequate management of hazardous waste Providing assistance in implementation of standards in the field of WM and waste water (the Law on Municipal Services) Addressing the issue of WM in mining
Identification of main barriers within the challenges? Lack of finances Lack of the system of selective waste collection Lack of urban plans for locations which are needed for building of regional WM centers Ownership + property rights issues in the matter of building of sanitary landfills “Not in my backyard” attitude of public according any WM infrastructure Lack of capacities in Ministries responsible for providing of needed legislations
How to overcome the challenges? Suggestions: Providing of sustainable funding system Establishing of system for PPP Reduce the number of WM plans (stipulated by the Law) on one – National WM Plan Capacity building on national and local levels Invest in a raising of public awareness about WM issues
How to overcome the challenges? What with €10 millions for waste management in our country? National center for hazardous waste management (€8-10 mill.) Recycling yards Center (with transfer station) for non- hazardous waste
Thank you for your attention! Vesna Novakovic Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro