Mário Campolargo DG INFSO F3 Research Infrastructure 25 March 2003 Grid enabled Research Infrastructure for Europe - an FP6 perspective - Grids Information Day
FP6 – short introduction GÉANT and Grids testbeds as a basis for an e-infrastructure eInfrastructure - a vision for Europe Objectives of the workprogramme on Research Infrastructure Conclusions Contents
FP6 structure INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH Genomic & biotechnology for health Sustainable development Nanotechnologies, intelligent mat., new production processes Aeronautics & space Food safety & health risks PRIORITY THEMATIC AREASANTICIPATING S/T NEEDS Specific international co-operation activities JRC activities Research & innovation STRUCTURING THE ERA Human resources & mobility Science & society Specific SME activities Coordination of research activities Development of research / innovation policies STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF ERA Research for policy support Frontier research, unexpected developments Citizens & governance in the knowledge society Information Society Technologies Research infrastructures
Research Infrastructures Visible facts from FP5 on support for Research Infrastructures: GÉANT / international connectivity - Eumedis, ALIS, TEIN, Russia,... Large scale experimentation on IPv6 Grids pilots involving leading Research Centers High political visibility - EP, Council, eEurope 2002 Doubling budget in FP6 for GÉANT and Grids Infrastructures International dimension GÉANT network IPv6 Testbeds R&D Grids Testbeds Optical Testbeds
e-Infrastructure deployment of the most performant research backbone network in the world (GÉANT) – boosting the transfer of information GÉANT Grids pilots IPv6 piloting of new and particularly powerful forms of distributed computing – Grids – boosting the processing of information Two key aspects for the future: Research Infrastructures
The “super-vehicle” for information transfer 155Mbps 7,5Gbps EUMEDIS ALIS 20 Mbps TEIN NeDAP SPONGE SEEREN GÉANT World leading Research Network Speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s Connecting more than 3100 Universities and R&D centers Over 32 countries across Europe Connectivity to NA, Japan, …
The “super-machinery” for information processing Computing power: >>20 teraflop/sec/equivalent to PCs Co-operative science: among 2,000 scientist in the world CERN The Large Hadron Collider Project (CERN) DATAGRID Flexible control and sharing of distributed resources Current pilots are bringing Grids from the laboratory bench into the real world. Several application areas – high energy physics, earth/environment, biology, industrial simulations, etc Grids
Moving towards an e-Infrastructure IPv6 Grids GÉANT Grids middleware
Moving towards an e-Infrastructure e-Infrastructure In FP6, deployment of a Grid empowered eInfrastructure
Vision - creating an e-infrastructure… e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) security mobility semantic web. automatic management broadband e-Learning e-Business aeronautics genomics environment astronomy e-Health e-Science Grid
Linking to policies Research e-Infrastructures: “corner-stone” of ERA “spear-head” of an “eEurope infrastructure” (e.g. broadband plus) “integrator” of National Infrastructures powerful “instrument” for International cooperation … cohesion, cooperation, standards, industrial, etc…
In the Specific Programme on "Structuring the European Research Area” 2.3. Communication Network Development “The objective of this scheme in support of existing research infrastructures is to create a denser network between related initiatives, in particular by establishing a high-capacity and high- speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (Grids).” FP6 - Research Infrastructure
2.3. Communication Network Development focus on: High-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) High performance Grids infrastructures Test-beds (within the IST priority) FP6 - Research Infrastructure
FP6 – focus on GÉANT GÉANT – maintain and capitalise on worldwide leadership on Research Networks FP6 GÉANT network will represent a significant step forward in terms of services, communities served, geographical scope, bandwidth and pioneering new technologies
These infrastructures should exhibit production-level performance capabilities and constitute themselves distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales (in terms of computing, storage and communication power). Grids – moving from experimental pilots to stable provision of services Deployment of Grids-empowered infrastructures to the Research Community in all scientific disciplines. FP6 – focus on Grids
DG INFSO has established an ambitious plan to implement the objectives identified in FP6 for Grids. Two complementary objectives being pursued – Grids for complex problem solving and Grids infrastructures. With the work on GÉANT and Grids (Research Infrastructure in close cooperation with IST), the European Commission expects to deploy an e-Infrastructure for all Research Communities, thus contributing to the fast deployment of the European Research Area! Research Infrastructure require more than technology… require policies! We are ready to cooperate with Member States and you, to devise and implement them! Good projects are key to the success of FP6! Conclusions
Web page Workshops Further info on Research Infrastructures Monthly Newsletter Two brochures in 2003
Thanks for your attention! For further information, please contact: Research Infrastructures Grids for complex problem solving