National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance for WISE Update of the existing WFD guidance document no. 9 "Implementing.


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Presentation transcript:

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance for WISE Update of the existing WFD guidance document no. 9 "Implementing the Geographical Information System Elements (GIS) of the Water Framework Directive"

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Outline Since last meeting Time plan Overview of chapters –gaps –questions / issues

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Since Madrid Included comments from MS and WISE TG Overall review identifying gaps and weaknesses in current status

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Time plan 12 Sept all chapters ready and compiled into 1 document 19 Sept – 17 Oct review by WG D 24 Oct – 14 Nov updated document circulated to SCG review (SCG meeting 5-6 Nov 2008) 28 Nov final draft to Water Directors

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Time plan 12 Sept a challenge requiring: fast agreements on drafting Input from a wider group than consortium Contributions and review of Guidance by WISE TG most welcome / needed !

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Table of Contents 1/4 1- Introduction –Purpose of guidance –development of WISE via implementing WFD and other EU water sector legislation –Terminology and abbreviations CONCEPTUAL 2 - GIS in WISE: developing common understanding –Scope of GIS guidance and purpose of GIS in WISE –GIS requirements under WISE for: WFD and other EU water policy legislation (UWWTD, BWD, NiD, DWD, floods, priority substances, marine, etc) SoE other

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Table of Contents 2/4 3 - Definition of derived products (maps) –Types of WISE GIS datasets –Background visualisation for WISE viewer –Policy implementation visualisation –Compliance assessments visualisation –State of the Environment visualisation 4 - Principles of WISE compatibility and WISE interoperability –What is WISE-compatible? –Update of existing datasets –Creation of new datasets –Management of identifiers and codes

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Table of Contents 3/4 5 - Technical descriptions –General approach for definition of datasets –Overview of GIS layers and their relationship –Data model definition –Hydrological Feature coding –Metadata implementation –Standards for data exchange –Web services

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Table of Contents 4/4 6 - Harmonisation –Validation and harmonisation of geometry, data definitions, data models, naming –Production of WISE reference GIS dataset. –Reference units for visualisation: rules, definition, process 7 - Co-ordination and organisation –Involved organisations –Working procedures

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Appendices Appendix 1 Elements of the WFD relevant to GIS Appendix 2 Technical specification of the update process Appendix 3 WISE spatial data policy Appendix 4 New data sets – 3rd party products and compilation of data from 3rd party products Appendix 5 Table of GIS datasets and layers in WISE Appendix 6 Data dictionary Appendix 7 Proposal for a European coding system for hydrological features Appendix 8 Implementation of the hydrological feature coding by MS Appendix 9 Vertical linkage of hydrological features (CCM2 – MS) Appendix 10 Transfer of CCM2 Pfaffstetter Codes to hydrological features (a model) Appendix 11 Code-lists Appendix 12 Detailed specifications for metadata Appendix 13 Details of GML specification and recommendations on the application Appendix 14 Detailed specification of validation and harmonisation procedures Appendix 15 Technical specifications of WISE reference GIS datasets (New) Appendix 16 Common metadata elements for WISE specifications (New) Appendix 17 Template or example of short GIS guidance to a specific reporting (New) Appendix 18 Explanations end examples regarding ID management

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Priority chapters 3.1 Reference datasets (maps) 4.1 What is WISE compatible? 4.2 Update of existing datasets 4.3 Creation of new datasets 5.1 General approach for definition of datasets 5.2 Overview of GIS layers and their relationships 5.3 Data model definition 5.4 Feature coding General principles Implementation of coding of surface waters 5.5 Metadata implementation

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Challenges INSPIRE IR and Best practice is not yet ready –Technical specification details are missing –Technical tools have not yet been developed Previously developed specifications do not necessarily comply with INSPIRE recommendations Specifications are continuously being added and adjusted

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Gaps – Ch 2.3 GIS requirements under WISE Is level of detail correct: –Policy area, e.g. WFD –Product type, e.g. Management units –Data product name, e.g. River Basin Districts –Geometry type, e.g. polygon –Reported by MS, e.g Acceptable with overlap to chp 5.2 ? Should layers beyond MS reported data be mentioned?

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 3.1 Types of WISE GIS datasets Modified title Rename “Other GIS datasets” to “Other MS reported GIS datasets” Move sec > 6.2 Should “River Basins” be defined as WISE Reference GIS dataset ?

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Ch. 3.2 – 3.5 Visualisations Wishes for promoted examples: Background visualisation EEA Policy implementation – ENV Compliance assessment – ENV State of the Environment – EEA Wise as a SEIS node

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.1 General approach for definition of datasets Gap: Recommendation on handling of multilingual aspects: –Character sets applied –Local names in local character set –Local names ASCII –English name Input from TW-Hydro; Miroslav

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.2 Overview of GIS layers Update to INSPIRE terminology Missing relationship overview, e.g. fig. in 5.3.5

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.3 Data model Gaps: %description of relation to Application schema% %Guidance on transfer from current data models to INSPIRE application schemas% Short intro to UML notation (subclass, associations, class name, attributes, (constraints) Description of difference btw. hydrological and non- hydrological classes (Management units ?) Reference to reporting XML schemas (in namespace []

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.3 Data model Should WISE conceptual model : –Input on its establishment / maintenance

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.5 Metadata Refocus stronger towards INSPIRE Use-case related to update / interrelated data sets: –An example from Member State A : –uploads at time M WFD art. 3 data on River Basin Districts –uploads at time N WFD art. 5 data on water bodys related to River basin District from time M –WISE prepare a Reference version of RBD's and WB's –A revise and upload River Basin Structure at time O –uploads at time P WFD art. 8 data on Monitoring Stations related to RBD's and WB's at time O –How does the Member State in the metadata declare the relationship between art. 8 data and the updated versions of art. 3 and 5. ?

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.5 Metadata Include in metadata profile option for specifying “Data product specification” e.g. by reference to a namespace [] with versions of application schemas Who and how are metadata maintained Generating metadata to already delivered data Metadata for discovery, keywords - Glossary

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Metadata ? New appendix with proposals for preferred values for metadata elements to ensure consistent application ? New appendix with template for short GIS specifications, GW, BW etc.

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.6 Standards for data exchange Gaps: Short overview of GML profile Specific recommendations on GML profile, see questions in current chapter text ? Appendix 13 Details of GML specification and recommendations on the application

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 5.7 Web services Gap: Overview of which services are provided by which actors What will WISE portal implement Tagging WSO with WSDL ? Examples of service profiles How to handle MS data services outside primary WISE data specifications ?

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 6.1 Validation and harmonisation Gap: Overview diagram of entire process: –MS harmonisation to WISE specs –Validation of MS submission –EU harmonisation of submitted data Adding attributes / values for management purposes Additional geometric harmonisation EU level codes if missing Production / update of WISE reference GIS datasets –Production of other generalised products

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 6.1 Validation and harmonisation Are specific validations steps needed in relation to update of datasets ? Naming convention of files to include date?

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 6.2 Production of WISE reference GIS datasets ? Current ch sufficient The dissemination of the reference datasets: –only electronic communication, (download and web-services) –Be clear on scale/accuracy of product according to the reporting sheets

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague 6.3 Reference units for harmonisation New primary author UBA

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Appendix 5 Table of GIS datasets and layers in WISE EEA - Should “Background layers” and “External data sets” be cut out of appendix ? Update / inclusion of dataspecs from other Water directives !

National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark GIS Guidance – WISE TG meeting June Prague Appendix 6 Data dictionary Gaps: WISE reference GIS dataset Background layers External datasets Is an update necessary as an outcome of “4.2 update of datasets” and “4.4 Management of identifiers and codes” ?