INSPIRE - how to use? Spatial data from diverse data sources INSPIRE and reporting data flows Example: spatial data sets related to MSFD, water and INSPIRE Internal demo – brainstorming facts and ideas Darja,
How does it work? Geoportals Home web sites INSPIRE metadata INSPIRE discovery service to search for data and services View data INSPIRE view service Users Using metadata catalogue to search for data and services INSPIRE download service Data / service providers Download data to your computer Make spatial data INSPIRE conformant INSPIRE Annex I, II, III data specifications INSPIRE transformation service Published on Use (invoke) spatial data services INSPIRE invoke spatial data services Provided by Use other spatial data services
Examples: metadata catalogues for spatial information European: INSPIRE Geoportal National/sub-national: Lombardy, Italy Organisation: European Environment Agency Networks: Seadatanet
How to map to INSPIRE data specifications? Basic principle to extend INSPIRE schema INSPIRE Example: Co-existance between MSFD and INSPIRE WFD/ MSFD INSPIRE WFD/ MSFD only Common to MSFD and INSPIRE INSPIRE only MSFD INSPIRE MSFD INSPIRE MSFD INSPIRE MSFD Options in mapping:
Example: MSFD Reporting – marine regions and subregions
Conformity to INSPIRE MSFD Spatial data set of marine regions INSPIRE Area management data spec. What to map? -Names of attributes -Code lists -Data formats (text, number, date, …) -Identifiers: structure and value -Relationships (1:M, 1:1, M:N) Mapped to
Combining spatial and tabular – thematic data Spatial data sets = Eionet water stations (latitude, longitude; point representation) Thematic data = Chlorophyll-a concentrations in 2012 in coastal and transitional waters (Source: WaterBase)
Re-using data from several data flows – 1 as starting point for more detailed statistical assessments on the interrelation of the thematic themes represented by the results. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in 2012 provided at Eionet water stations – coastal and transitional waters (Source: WaterBase; WISE) Bathing water quality (BWD: 2012) Coastal waters (WFD)
Re-using data from several data flows - 2 Chlorophyll-a concentrations in 2012 provided at Eionet water stations – coastal and transitional waters (Source: WaterBase; WISE) Coastal waters (WFD)
Combining data from diverse sources: benefits and issues! Boundary inconsitency Missing data
Reporting dataflow – now: reporting without INSPIRE? Country A INSPIRE Provide access to spatial data sets and services Reportnet INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Discovery service on metadata Spatial data sets conform\ant with INSPIRE Data Metadata for spatial data set and services Sub-set of data for reporting (B) Providing download and other services and direct access to data (A) Uploading spatial data sets and tabular data Duplicated data and double workflows !
Reporting dataflow – scenario 1: including INSPIRE into reporting data flow Country A INSPIRE Provide access to spatial data sets and services Reportnet Ensure object referencing (geospatial object- identifier management) INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Discovery service on metadata Spatial data sets conformant with INSPIRE Data Link to spatial data (URL, URI) Sharing registers, registry services Upload thematic data with reference to spatial objects Metadata for spatial data set and services Download spatial data sets for reporting purposes, using (INSPIRE download service)
Reporting dataflow – scenario 2: INSPIRE and direct access to data (but how would be dealt with the requirement to have an official Confirmation on the data being reported and version history) Country A INSPIRE Provide access to spatial data sets and services Reportnet Ensure object referencing (identifier management) INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Discovery service on metadata Spatial data sets conformant with INSPIRE Data Link to spatial data (URL, URI) Sharing registers, registry services Metadata for spatial data set and services Sub-set of data for reporting Harvest, download Download spatial data sets for reporting purposes, using INSPIRE download service Services, interfaces