Linked Environment Data and how we are implementing SEIS Søren Roug.


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Presentation transcript:

Linked Environment Data and how we are implementing SEIS Søren Roug

The current situation Find dataset

The current situation Find dataset Download it

The current situation Find dataset Download it Import it

The current situation Find dataset Download it Import it Clean it

The current situation Find dataset Download it Import it Clean it Create chart

Vision statement Too much manual work We want to eliminate all steps but the last!...And we’re going to use Linked Data technology to do it

Solution to the data format problem In addition to the HTML for human eyes we’re asking for a new format called RDF that machines can understand It is a modernisation of CSV, Excel and all the other data dump formats This is all we ask a producer to provide... and some metadata No Web Services – just files

No more searching on foreign sites The remote nodes provide lists of their datasets Called manifests or semantic sitemaps Also in RDF format Controlled vocabulary URLs in metadata Use any identifier, we create equivalence links between them

How to create equivalence links We set up correspondance tables between the URLs. This is called an ontology = Some RDF databases handle ontologies transparently. When you use one, you get the data for the other too

Remember this?

Now we can make the join

Downloading made easy! Click on the title to see if it is in the database

Downloading made easy Seconds later...

Status EEA has deployed two triple stores called Content Registry and Semantic Data Service that import all lists and all data Content Registry is for Reportnet deliveries Semantic Data Service is for published datasets We have created RDF of several data sets: Reportnet, GEMET, EUNIS, ITIS, NUTS, NACE etc. We can also load Eurostat SDMX data via the LATC project

SDS and CR’s Role ITIS Reportnet PRTR Harvesting Content Registry EUNISOther... SPARQL JSON RDF Querying RDF XML OtherVisualisationEUNISReportnet QA system


Comparing data: Where do EUNIS and ITIS not agree on naming? PREFIX e: PREFIX itis: PREFIX dwc: SELECT ?eunisname ?eunisauthor ?itisname ?itisauthor ?usage WHERE { ?eunisurl e:validName 1; e:sameSynonym ?itisurl; e:binomialName ?eunisname; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship ?eunisauthor. ?itisurl itis:nameUsage "invalid",?usage; itis:completename ?itisname; itis:hasAuthor ?auurl. ?auurl itis:shortAuthor ?itisauthor }

Results eunisnameeunisauthoritisnameitisauthorusage Chondrocladia alaskensis Lambe,1900Chondrocladia alaskensis Lambe 1895invalid Myxilla parasitica(Lambe,1900)Myxilla parasiticaLambe 1893invalid Hymedesmia primitiva Lundbeck,1910Hymedesmia primitiva Lundbeck 1910invalid Asbestopluma lycopodium (Levinsen,1886)Asbestopluma lycopodium Levinsen 1886invalid Esperiopsis rigidaLambe,1900Esperiopsis rigidaLambe 1893invalid Cordylophora lacustris Allman, 1844Cordylophora lacustris Allman 1844invalid

Example of SPARQL query Future prospects for the European otter (From Reportnet) PREFIX art17: PREFIX eea: SELECT ?country ?region ?future WHERE { [] art17:forSpecies ; art17:hasRegionalReport ?report. ?report art17:conclusion_future ?future; art17:forCountry ?curl; art17:region ?bgregion. ?bgregion eea:name ?region. ?curl eea:name ?country } ORDER BY ?country ?region

Result: Future of the European otter countryregionfuture AustriaAlpineInadequate (U1) AustriaContinentalInadequate (U1) BelgiumAtlanticBad (U2) BelgiumContinentalBad but improving (U2+) Czech RepublicContinentalFavourable (FV) Czech RepublicPannonianFavourable (FV) EstoniaBorealFavourable (FV)

Queries on EUNIS


Water use per NUTS level 2 in 2007 Top 20 Combination of two Eurostat SDMX datasets Combination of two Eurostat SDMX datasets

Linked Data in map views

GHG per capita

Søren Roug European Environment Agency