1 Future plans for the development and implementation of WISE Tim Lack ETC Water
2 WISE concept and implementation plan
3 WISE – intermediate solution All water-related information from EU water policy Water Framework, Urban Waste Water Treatment, Nitrates, Bathing Waters and Drinking Water Directives upcoming Marine Strategy and Flood Action Programmes. other water-related datasets such as Eionet-Water and from relevant water research projects. Provides the geo-referencing for data an important building block for INSPIRE. Proposed timetable Available to the public in 2006 Fully operational by 2010.
4 Timetable of events Brainstorming meeting June 7 DG ENV, EEA, ESTAT, JRC Main considerations process and validation of data where and how to hold data, data flows, access rights, visualisation WISE draft Implementation Plan WISE Steering Group discussion – 15 September
5 Main areas of agreement A desire to support a single stream of data. A single data definition Temporal and spatial integration Support different frequencies for data collection Coordinated data exchange standards Move towards disaggregated data collection Common standards for visualisation. State of the Environment Reporting Drafting Group (under the CIS structure)
6 Perceived success factors The co-operation of the Member States EU25 and the EEA member countries Two Reporting Drafting Groups (Compliance and SOE) Involvement of DG ENV, EEA, ESTAT, JRC, Buy in from International River Basin Commissions, UNEP etc. Definition of base environmental data against which reporting is made Provision of access to all information types Numerical data, ecological status (computed), thematic maps, reports, downloads, documents (e.g. methodologies),
7 WISE vision
8 Now – two parallel processes operate Member states WISE prototype Map Server Member states EOINET water Water base Member states WISE Vision current
9 WISE prototype EOINET water Map Server Water base Now 2006 Member states WISE prototype State of env’ment Member states Inter calibrat’n WISE public Member states Urban WWTD Access protocols WISE Vision
10 WISE prototype EOINET water Map Server Water base Now 2006 Member states WISE prototype State of env’ment Member states Inter calibrat’n WISE public Member states Water Frame’k State of env’ment Member states Nitrates, bathing Joint qst’naire WISE public 2010 Urban WWD Push pull protocols Access protocols WISE expert WISE analysis Access protocols WISE Vision
11 WFD SOE Member states Nitrates, bathing JQ WISE public Push pull protocols Access protocols WISE expert WISE analysis WISE Vision
12 Reportnet Tools Directory – User access management CR – Content registry ROD – Reporting Obligation Database DD – Data Dictionary GDEM – Generic Data Exchange Modules CDR – Central Data Repository
13 WISE prototype EOINET water Map Server Water base Now 2006 Member states WISE prototype State of env’ment Member states Inter calibrat’n WISE public Member states Water Frame’k State of env’ment Member states Nitrates, bathing Joint qst’naire WISE public 2010 Urban WWD Push pull protocols Access protocols WISE expert WISE analysis Access protocols WISE Vision
14 WISE Implementation Plan
15 Outline plan Basic steps Conceptual and preparatory work Detailed design and prototype Development of upload facilities Development of access facilities Roll out for other directives Involved JRC, DG Env, EEA and Eurostat Based around Waterbase and WISE prototype 2006 launch full roll out
16 Conceptual and preparatory work Establish the user requirements including common information requirements (Task 1) Protocols (Task 2) a common “submissions” user interface including validation and system security (Task 2a) automated data exchange between systems (Task 2b) dissemination and publication of information to the broader user community. (Task 2c) Organisation requirement to manage WISE. (Task 3) Planned for completion by end of 2005
17 Detailed design stage Test concepts for 2006 publication using existing WISE prototype (Task 4) (Q1 2006) Detailed functional design (Task 5) (Q1 2006) Submission tools and data exchange modules Upgrade of existing Reportnet tools Design of publication toolset Design of common water information schema for water information (Task 6) (Q1 2006) INSPIRE SDIC Determination of the GIS standards required (Task 7) (Q2 2006)
18 Implement submission tools Common entry point (Task 8) Likely extension of ROD capabilities Defining reporting requirement (Task 9) Likely development of Data Dictionary facilities Providing GIS capability Data exchange modules (Task 10) Extension of DEM to enable automatic validation and exchange Providing GIS capability Target by Q4 2006
19 Implement harvesting tools Develop shared Data Repository (Task 11) Likely central dataset Separate from master data Development of publication module (Task 12) Web viewer, GIS functionality, Data download, Analysis capability, Document repository, FAQs and graphical design Develop system access protocols (task 13) Access Level of functionality Target by Q4 2006
20 Timetable for other Directives Urban Water Water Treatment - Q Nitrates Directive – Q Bathing Waters Directive – Q Drinking Water Directive Q1 – IPPC - Q Thereafter Joint Questionnaire Marine strategy Floods initiative
21 Thank you for your attention!