, EEA, Copenhagen WISE GIS/IT Workshop Welcome Bo N. Jacobsen
Workshop sessions New features in Reportnet and SEIS Options for distributed system INSPIRE and WISE relations Reference GIS datasets Eye on Earth developments / ClimAdapt platform GMES: GIO land developments Summary discussion in WISE IP context
Concept picture from last time we met.. WISE GIS/IT workshop Nov. 2010
Current concept picture
5 WISE - gateway to information on European water issues Link 1 Entry to 4 main areas
6 Water Data Centre provides access to WISE datasets, interactive maps,.. Link
7 Grouping of viewers
8 Link Grouping of viewers
WFD surface water map viewer Extension to pop-up window Link
WFD surface water map viewer Extension to pop-up window Details on -ecological status -Pressures Download and print options
And where are we going? 2. WISE Implementation Plan (i) Support for the Blueprint for Safeguarding Europe’s waters 2012 Focus of on the input side → needs to focus on the output and on analysis Develop the water quantity component (WSD and floods) Develop the climate vulnerability component Expand WISE with information on important drivers including e.g. use of water by different sectors, etc Extend WISE to use other data and information than that reported by MS: results of modelling studies, projects, assessments done by EU institutions, etc. This may involve other types of web communication tools in addition to what is currently used
And where are we going? 2. WISE Implementation Plan (ii) Involving more partners (GMES, RTD) Cooperation with other sectors (BISE, CC-CHM) Cooperation with other institutions (river and marine conventions) Further streamlining and simplification (no double reporting!) INSPIRE based WISE – decentralisation Development and consolidation of new reporting streams (Floods, Marine) Making WISE more useful for everybody…
Priorities in terms of infrastructure, services and processes Continue to develop WISE as a distributed system in line with INSPIRE as part of SEIS Improvement of functionality on the output side (access and exploitation of data) Improvement of data viewers / queries Searchable functionality (intelligent browsing, metadata catalogue to be able to search within all WISE resources)
Synthesis of policy recommendations building on on-going assessments Nov 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Policy Options Impact Assessment
Need for re-structuring reporting into INSPIRE-compliant spatial datasets and distributed systems for tabular datasets ? Country boarders (shapefiles) WFD River Basin Districts (ID, shapefiles, attributes) WISE Main Rivers, Main Lakes (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Reported data, - emissions, treatment type, compliance,.. (ID, parameter values) Coastline(s) (shapefiles) Monitoring data, status info – water quality (ID, parameter values) NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS3,.. (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Monitoring stations - quality (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) WFD surface water bodies (WB) Rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Monitoring stations - quantiity (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) WFD ground water bodies (WB) (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Facilities (industries, treatment plants,..) (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) Monitoring data, status info – water quantity (ID, parameter values) Spatial datasets Tabular datasets Reference GIS datasets Current reporting
Generic developments of new functionalities, services and applications Eye on Earth
User statistics from EEA web pages - water most popular !
User statistics from EEA water web pages – interactive maps most popular !
19 Looking forward to your attention! Contact Expectations for the workshop: -We should all learn something by sharing experiences -Contributions to seeing same picture and understanding same terms -Discuss critical issues in constructive atmosphere ! -Influence the further development of WISE -Enjoy our achievements