1 Update on progress in SOE-drafting group. 2 Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Co-ordination.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Update on progress in SOE-drafting group

2 Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Working Group A “Ecological Status” Working Group B “Integrated River Basin Management” Working Group D “Reporting” Structure of WFD Working Group E “Priority Substances” Working Group C “Groundwater” "GIS” Expert Network “Chemical Monitoring” Strategic Steering Group “WFD and Agriculture” Expert Advisory Forum “Flood Protection” “Chemical Monitoring”

3 Working Group 2D Reporting chair DG Env Steering Group (DG Env, JRC, Eurostat,EEA) Drafting Group Compliance Dg Env Drafting Group SOE/Trends Chair EEA Sub Group GIS EEA EIONET /NFPs NRCs for water and EIONET water Workshop

4 process 11 from 21 participants joint both meetings Discussion on guidance for further SOE-data flow, updating the Eionet- water data flow (station selection probably some parameters, aggregation…)

Tasks 1) Clarification on reporting streams required for and contributing to SOE- assessments 2) Review of existing guidance 3) Guidance on scope of SOE-parameters 4) Guidance on data processing and handling 5) Requirements and recommendation for technical integration; review of development

6 Sections in guidance document 1.define common understanding on SoE-data stream in relation to compliance report under WFD and other directives 2.Review on existing monitoring guidance 3.Reporting sheets for SoE-data stream; based on Eionet water content structure/DD 4.Details on data handling and processing following the needs coming out of task 3 5.Formulation of requirements and recommendation for WISE

7 Outcome of 2nd SOE-drafting group criteria for SoER-water data flow (updating Eionet) have to be revisited and revised to make the data suitable for spatial and integrated analysis. The new structure is planned to develop into the reporting sheets for the SOER-DG and have to be agreed there and in EIONET-water network  First draft available in Jan 2006

8 Outcome Large parts of the meta information on site specification, physical characterisation and proxy pressures can be taken from other WFD related reporting activities (art. 3,5,8) In terms of full SoE-assessments other determinands, (quantity, biolog. hydromorph. QElements, loads….) should be included into the SoE-data flow step by step and discussed in Drafting Group/Eionet.

9 Further steps Next meeting Feb/March 2006 Autumn meeting again back to back with Eionet-WS to keep the networks together