ljupcho Grozdanovski Division for air quality monitoring Ministry of environment and physical planning Prizren, July 2013 Air Quality support meeting, West Balkan countries Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures for the State Automatic Monitoring System for Ambient Air Quality in the Republic of Macedonia
State Automatic Monitoring System for Ambient Air Quality (SAMSAAQ) is consisted by: Air Quality Calibration Laboratory State Air Quality Monitoring Network (17 th monitoring stations and 10 LVS and HVS samplers) Air Quality data Management/collection System (Airviro) STRUCTURE OF THE SAMSAAQ
The Quality System is established, implemented and maintained by Division for Air Quality Monitoring and includes the following documents: Quality manual, SOPs, Registers, Forms, Report, QA/QC procedures, Plans, Lists, Data base, Reporting, Records etc; All policies, systems, programs, procedures and instruction are documented to enable the SAMSAAQ to assure the quality of generated results. QUALITY SYSTEM Quality manual SOPsRegistersFormsReport QA/QC procedures PlansListsData baseReportingRecords
THE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) describe in details all processes and activities that take places in the Calibration laboratory, Monitoring network and Data management system. They are divided in different sections: Section A: General (5 SOPs); Section C for Calibration methods in the Calibration laboratory (7 SOPs); Section D for the Analysis methods (11 SOPs); Section E for Data analysis and report (3 SOPs); Section F for Field measurements (2 SOPs) and Section G for Data management (3 SOPs).
The operation of the Air Quality Calibration Laboratory Site selection criteria List of documents and records type Service to the customer Procedures to control Nonconforming work General (5 SOP’s)
Operation of static injection system and calibration of the gas analyzers Operation of the dynamic dilution system and calibration of the gas analyzers Operation of the photometric method for calibration of ozone analyzer Determination the converter efficiency of the NOx analyzer by Gas Phase Titration method (GPT) Reference standards and measurement traceability Calibration instruction of the gas analyzers Preparation of dilution gas for calibration of the gas analyzers Calibration laboratory - Calibration methods (7 SOPs)
Analysis methods (11 SOPs)
Total: prepared 31 SOPs Data analysis and report SOP-E1: Data files and database in the laboratory SOP-E2: Calculation of the calibration results SOP-E3: Preparation of the calibration certificate Field measurements SOP-F1: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures For The State Air Quality Monitoring Network In The Republic Of Macedonia SOP-F2: Weighing, handling and storage of filters for PM10 LVS- and HVS-sampling Data management SOP-G1 Data managementSOP-G2 Data validationSOP-G3 Data Reporting
Uncertainty calculations have been performed for each of the calibration concentration prepared by different calibration methods and they are presented at each of the SOP-C1 to C4. In addition the uncertainty of the analysis methods are prepared for the laboratory measurements and for field measurements. Uncertainty budget
Internal audit was performed at the measuring site and in laboratory. The Audit questionnaire was fulfilled and Audit report issued. Internal audit identified nonconformities and the corrective actions should be follow and immediately realized in order to be able to fulfill the data quality objectives for the measurements. Internal audit
The data quality objectives for the air quality measurements at the measurement stations can be easily became unsatisfactory due to the lack of: spare parts; certified calibration gas standards; regular costs for maintenance and service of the measuring instruments; employees; specialized trainings. Data quality objectives
All prepared SOPs concerning all relevant activities of the system are in use; The uncertainty budget for the air quality measurements was built up; QA/QC procedures are in full operation; The air quality web portal was developed where Air quality data are presented in real time: Participation to the interlaboratory comparison exercises organized by EC/JRC and by WHO; Participation to the meetings of AQUILA group. ACHIEVEMENTS
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