1 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 Summer ozone reporting (SOR) and near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) Libor Cernikovsky Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic ETC/ACM consortium partner
2 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 Summer ozone reporting (SOR): legislation Under Directive 2008/50/EC Member States (MS) shall provide: monthly data: before the end of the following month information on the exceedance of ozone –information threshold, 1h max > 180 µg/m 3 –alert threshold, 1h max > 240 µg/m 3 April – September data: not later than 31 st October –information on the exceedances of long-term objective for the protection of human health for ozone, 8h daily max > 120 µg/m 3 –1h monthly maximums for all operational stations … station information should be available !
3 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 SOR: instructions 1/2 Information available on the EEA web page: rules for monthly data reporting under-directive ec under-directive ec Templates for reporting Definitions File naming conventions Station meta-information Quality feedback Technical assistance
4 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 SOR: instructions 2/2 The detailed definition of the information to be reported can be downloaded from the Reportnet Data Dictionary (DD) Countries are requested to deliver their monthly and summer reports to the Eionet Central Data Repository (CDR) according to the technical guidance A Reportnet Generic Data Exchange Module (GDEM) was introduced to facilitate the delivery and validation of ozone exceedance data.
5 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 SOR: quality feedback 1.The GDEM makes automatically the basic syntax check on the delivered data and post a quality report directly in the delivery envelope on CDR. The checks made by the GDEM are based on the quality rules stored in the Data Dictionary. This report is ready within a few minutes of the data delivery. 2.The detailed check on inconsistencies & potential errors is made manually during data processing by ETC/ACM on monthly basis. The feedback is added in the delivery envelope on CDR. …The data suppliers are asked to correct inconsistencies and errors, i. e. upload amended reports, in way of feedback reports in CDR (to resubmit the complete file following the naming conventions).
6 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 SOR: monthly overview Summary overview on 1-hour thresholds exceedances under-directive ec
7 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 SOR: summer report EEA Technical report, published in spring of the following year, c14=airpollutionbyozone c14=airpollutionbyozone
8 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 Near real-time AQ data exchange (NRT) EEA has developed a system for exchanging and displaying NRT air quality data from measurement stations across Europe. The information is provided by national and regional organisations on a voluntary basis and aims to serve the general public. Data from stations across Europe are transmitted to the EEA in Copenhagen on an hourly basis. The NRT air quality data is preliminary and may change when validated, so are not used for legal compliance reporting.
9 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: data flow schema by Jaume Targa
10 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: current status Currently there are app. 70 data providers, full EU coverage for ozone, partly for PM 10 and NO 2 figures by Jaume Targa
11 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: instructions EEA NRT operational procedures CIRCA circle/airclimate/library?l=/public/real-time_operational/real- time_maintenance&vm=detailed&sb=TitleUH circle/airclimate/library?l=/public/real-time_operational/real- time_maintenance&vm=detailed&sb=TitleUH
12 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: feedback and overview
13 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: overview
14 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: quality feedback
15 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT: quality of the data The NRT air quality data is preliminary and may change when validated, so are not used for legal compliance reporting: Insufficient data coverage Unrealistic values mostly lack of data re-transmission => discrepancies
16 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 NRT vs. SOR EEA is working to streamline reporting process EEA has been comparing NRT reported data with officially reported ozone exceedances on monthly basis.
17 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 West Balkan countries: SOR & NRT outstanding issues NRT: no participation at present SOR: 1.Stations/measurement configurations: SOR vs. AirBase 2.Unknown/ undefined type of ozone station 3.Low density of ozone monitoring sites - low density do not allow to provide reliable estimates of spatial distribution by interpolation in particular countries 4.Number’s precision and rounding, unambiguous calculation of the aggregated values in linkage with exceedances reporting - is X < threshold+0.5 exceedance or not? 5.Small number of rural stations with comparison with the total area of the country and the number of urban stations affected the precision of mapping 5.Missing information about the completeness of one-hour measurements 7.Using of the traffic and industrial stations for the summer reporting. 8.Other
18 AQ data flows: Summer ozone reporting (SOR) & near real-time air quality data exchange (NRT) IPA support Air Quality kick off meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6 July, 2011 Thank you for attention...