West Balkan Workshop on Waste 7 November 2008 Under contract with the European Environment Agency Christian Fischer Senior Consultant EU as a Recycling Society- Present recycling levels of Municipal Waste and Construction & Demolition Waste in the EU
Recycling society project Four elements: 1. Define existing recycling levels of MSW and C&D waste 2. Future recycling levels of MSW and C&D waste 3. Develop projections for generation and management of MSW and C&D waste. 4. Development of a GHG model and scenarios for a recycling society (MSW and C&D waste)
We have got better waste data recently Generation of different waste streams We know more about waste management of a few specific waste streams: – Packaging – WEEE – ELV
We can still not answer simple waste management questions. The recycling of waste in different economic sectors? Not reported to Eurostat How much municipal waste is totally recycled in the EU? Calculated (generation – incinerated- landfilled) not reported to Eurostat How much construction and demolition waste is recycled in the EU? Only generation is reported to Eurostat
Management of Municipal Waste in EU+EFTA in 2005 Source: Eurostat. Recycling is calculated
Treatment of municipal waste in the EU 1995 and Source: Eurostat
Sources Existing National reports, data bases and web-sites – EPAs – Statistical Bureaus Total recycling of MSW and C&D Recycling amounts of specific waste streams
MSW Recycling in the old EU countries 8 Source: ETC/RWM & EEA
The recycling level of MSW differs- within old and new EU Member States Some old EU Member States with lower recycling level: – High yearly recycling growth since 2000 (> 0.75 percentage point) Some new EU Member States: – High yearly recycling growth since 2000 (> 0.50 percentage point) Even with low starting point, positive results achieved 9
Recycling of MSW in the old EU Member States
Composition of recycling of MSW in the old EU Member States in Source: ETC/RWM & EEA
Composition of recycling of MSW in the old EU Member States in Source: ETC/RWM & EEA
Recycling of MSW in new Member States (tonnes)
Composition of recycling of MSW in the new EU Member States in Source: ETC/RWM & EEA
Dominant MSW types recycled in kilo Recycling of paper and cardboard, and bio-waste form a large fraction of total MSW recycling, especially in countries with high recycling levels; Average 35 kilo/capita of paper & cardboard Average 45 kilo/capita of bio waste (green kitchen waste & garden waste) Bulky waste in a few countries Average 10 kilo/capita (furniture, household equipment, WEEE) 15
Recycling of C&D waste in ton per capita in the EU+Norway Source: ETC/RWM
Composition of recycled C&D waste in the EU+Norway Source: ETC/RWM
Conclusions about recycling of C&D waste Recycling of C&D waste is quite high for many of the EU countries (>50%). Almost all countries recycle at least some concrete, bricks, tiles and asphalt. Those countries with a high level of C&D recycling all have a high level of soil and track ballast recycling. 18
New Recycling targets By 2020, the preparing for re-use and recycling of: 50% by weight of at least glass, metal, paper and plastic from households and possibly other origins as far as these waste streams are similar to waste from households 70% by weight of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste
Conclusions Many data exist in Member States which can provide better information about recycling of specific waste streams Important to use both sources from statistical bureaus and EPAs Important that statistical bureaus and EPAs have a close co-operation