SEIS implementation project WISE data service Bathing water public.regional.value-added.real-time NFP/NRC water workshop 2.10.2007 Stefan Jensen.


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Presentation transcript:

SEIS implementation project WISE data service Bathing water public.regional.value-added.real-time NFP/NRC water workshop Stefan Jensen

Background Legal status: coastal and freshwater bathing sites annually submitted under BWD to EEA (first time in 2008 through Reportnet) Methodology: Various samples of 2 bacteria aggregated to an annual indicator for the past season The information system: Currently WISE map viewer and PDF maps on EU bathing water website

Objective Value add the current information service Vertical: provide more local information e.g. Description of beach and facilities, Several seasonal sampling results Horizontal: provide broader content e.g.Other influencing substances (algae bloom) Weather information Timely: provide more recent information e.g.Recent sampling results (more substances) Daily weather and weather forecast

Support multilinguality Objective Provide easier and quicker access to BW information

Cooperations With member states and their regions Provinding links to information providers With related information provider Blue Flag beach and national subsidies Other data providers Meterological institutions Bodies providing data on - satellite observations - water quality monitoring With citizens Feedback and communciation forum

Blueflag beaches - initiative

Adding practical information: DE states

Provide local details – DE state

Adding practical information - UK

Interactive national system - PT

Real time and forecasting - DK

Communication - Interaction – Early warning

Communication - Education

Benefits For Member States Links and comparism across regions/countries Wider proliferation of own information Source based data provison enabled overtime Communication chain for local information including local languages For European level More visibility of EU activities Additionally communciate other water issues For citizens BW information more flexible, timely and in-depth

Cost For member states Support EEA by identifying local information providers (in-depth and cross-thematic) For European level Development of system architecture and tools Maintenance of service For citizens none

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