Gas Regional Initiative Region North-West Gas Regional Investment Plan Project Marie-Claire Aoun, Carole Mathieu CRE RCC Meeting The Hague – 4 April 2013
2 RCC Meeting The Hague – 4 April Feb. 2013: publication of the 3 rd edition of the TYNDP Stakeholders Joint Working Sessions (from January to May 2012). 3 public workshops (September 2011, June and Nov. 2012) TYNDP submitted to public consultation for 3 months (until 21 st May 2012) Contents of the TYNDP 2013 – 2022 Supply and demand scenarios 200 cases modeled (67 in last report). Four types of analyses: -Resilience assessment -Dependency of zones on identified supply sources -Ability of the system to adapt to different flow patterns -Capability of the system to enable supply diversification Inputs received through public consultation will help shaping future editions. ENTSOG TYNDP
3 RCC Meeting The Hague – 4 April 2013 Deeper understanding of cross-border congestions Transparency and visibility on potential investment gaps and develop the process leading to a potential investment decision A modeling exercise could be useful to simulate the resilience of the system in situations of disruptions or to evaluate market integration. Interaction with stakeholders from the beginning of the process and not only after publication. Contribute to higher consistency between national and EU TYNDP. Role of the GRIP in the Energy Infrastructure Package. RCC thoughts on the GRIP
4 RCC Meeting The Hague – 4 April 2013 ACER opinion on GRIPs submitted to March BoR for approval The opinion itself gives key recommendations on the GRIP development process Annex to the opinion contains individual assessments of the 6 GRIPs and builds upon NRAs’ work within the regions Key recommendations: Provide for a more detailed and focused approach on regional aspects compared to the EU TYNDP, i.e. better justify the specific regional network needs and better define the remedies to resolve congestions Use a common regional modeling tool in all regions in order to increase cross- regional comparability of the GRIPs Clarify the role of the GRIPs in relation to the selection process of projects of common interest Reflect the interactions and interdependencies of the gas and electricity network development plans Enable the involvement of interested stakeholders at the GRIP work design phase and gives NRAs the opportunity to give comments ACER opinion on the GRIPs
5 RCC Meeting The Hague – 4 April 2013 The RCC welcomes the fact that the GRIP has taken into account RCC thoughts, in particular concerning Stakeholders consultation. Common proposal with other GRIPs? Relation with the Energy Infrastructure Package (PCIs)? Approach developed for the ‘In Depth Review of TYNDP Identified NW Issues”? Value added of the GRIP? Use of ENTSOG modelling tool? RCC preliminary feedback / questions