Interest Group Climate & Adaptation within the network of European EPAs Jelle van Minnen Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 2 Jelle van Minnen Outline -The EPA network in general -The EPA IG Climate & adaptation - Feedback 8 th meeting EPA IG -National information -Response to EU white paper
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 3 Jelle van Minnen EPA network “Informal grouping bringing together the directors of EPAs and similar bodies across Europe, led by EEA” The network exchanges views and experiences on issues of common interest provides information to Brussels Meet 2x a year => broad environmental interest Various Interest Groups
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 4 Jelle van Minnen EPA network (ii) Current Interest Groups Biodiversity Better regulations Soil protection Environment & health GMO International Cooperation Natural resources & material flow Quality Assessment Climate change mitigation: CCS Climate change adaptation
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 5 Jelle van Minnen EPA IG Climate & Adaptation - Also meets 2x a year - About 17 EPA active - Objectives -Exchange on information and experiences between countries in the field of adaptation => learning (2 ways) -Support the European Commission in process towards an Climate Change Adaptation Strategy -Exchange scientific information related to climate change: costs; regional climate data, modelling & scenario’s -Support international activities with respect to climate change adaptation, e.g. UNFCCC -Establish links to other networks (ENCA, CIRCLE)
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 6 Jelle van Minnen EPA IG Climate & Adaptation (ii) - Exchange on national information: e.g. NL
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 7 Jelle van Minnen EPA IG Climate & Adaptation (iii) - Exchange on institutional projects: e.g. PBL project on “developing options on long term spatial strategies for climate- proofing of the Netherlands”
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 8 Jelle van Minnen Feedback 8 th meeting EPA IG Climate & Adaptation -Much national information: e.g. new strategies appear, new national research programs, started links to RBMPs - 3 rd position paper as a response to EU White Paper -Agreed with many aspects of WP, e.g. -2 step approach, involvement of MSs, call for intergrated approach, -Various challenges for follow-up process -Information for non-scientists, more on uncertainties, consistent & not double reporting -Stimulate cross-sectoral linkages -Sufficient financing -Implementing adaptation in EU external policy -More network between MS & regions, link to domain of European sustainability, urban areas -Endorsed by many, but not all EPAs -
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 9 Jelle van Minnen Feedback 8 th meeting EPA IG Climate & Adaptation (ii) Reporting framework: -Avoid duplication through harmonisation with and establishing links to other reporting obligations - If reporting framework is introduced => coherent template, e.g. reporting on existing national adaptation plans and/or strategies, or those in preparation institutional and legal framework for the adaptation activities key climatic vulnerabilities National and European research programmes and databases Existing and planned policies and measures (e.g. objective, type, stakeholder, …). on joint activities/mainstreaming
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 10 Jelle van Minnen