Energy Saving in Hospitals: Hong Kong Initiatives P L Yuen 14 May 2011
Content (A) Background (B) Energy Saving Strategy (C) Energy Saving Achievements (D) Sustaining Energy Saving
(A) Background 3
Purposes of Energy Saving Protect environment Cut down energy use and save money Minimize health threats with less harmful emission Project positive corporate image
Energy use from Hospital Building operation Use of energy for: air conditioning and ventilation lighting and electrical power Steam and hot water Energy source included: Electricity Town Gas and Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Diesel fuel
Hospital Energy Consumption Level Source Usage Annual Energy Expenditure* Electricity Air Conditioning, Lighting & Power $692M (83%) Town Gas and Liquified Petroleum Gas Hot Water & Steam $108M (13%) Diesel Fuel Hot Water, Steam & Emergency Power $37M (4%) Total $837M (100%) * 2009/10 figures
Hospital Electricity Consumption Distribution
(B) Energy Saving Strategy 8
Energy Saving Strategy Energy Demand Side Management Actions taken to influence the quantity and pattern of use of energy in hospitals Energy Supply Side Management Selection of energy source and switch fuels
Energy Demand Side Management Hospital Building Envelope Hospital Engineering Systems
Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Building Envelope Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) Control - reduce overall building solar heat gain (e.g. Low shading coefficient glass, sunshades, recessed windows, etc.) Planting & Roof Garden - reduce roof solar heat gain and create better patient healing environment
Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering Systems Promote good house keeping practice Retrofit existing engineering system / equipment for energy efficiency Establish energy efficiency design reference standard for new hospital projects
Summary of Implemented Measures Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering Systems Summary of Implemented Measures Air-conditioning (A/C) Lighting & Electrical Miscellaneous Boiler & Hot Water
Summary of Implemented Measures Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering Systems Summary of Implemented Measures Air-conditioning Improvement of A/C control system Automatic tube cleansing system for chiller Polarized refrigerant oil additive for chiller Chiller plant interconnection Variable speed drive for chiller Replacement of high efficiency chiller Use of water-cooled A/C system Window reflective film
Summary of Implemented Measures Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering System Summary of Implemented Measures LED exit sign T5 lighting retrofit Sensor lighting control Compact fluorescent lamp Lighting & Electrical
Summary of Implemented Measures Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering System Summary of Implemented Measures De-scaling device for boiler Heat pump application Boiler & Hot Water
Summary of Implemented Measures Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering System Summary of Implemented Measures Lift modernization Housekeeping & operational measures Energy management control & monitoring software Miscellaneous
Energy Demand Side Management - Hospital Engineering System Proposed Further Measure Replace air-cooled chillers by water-cooled chillers Identified suitable replacement of 22 air-cooled chillers in 8 venues within 5 years Estimated $15M annual energy cost saving Subject to business case and risk assessment
Energy Supply Side Management Alternative Choice of Energy Adopting renewable energy
Energy Supply Side Management - Alternative Choice of Energy Key considerations included: Safety & Reliability Environmental Tariff Switching from Diesel fuel to Town gas - 9 hospitals already switched to towngas with offered rebate for dual fuel boilers
Energy Supply Side Management - Alternative Choice of Energy Proposed Further Measures Trigeneration Installation
Energy Supply Side Management - Alternative Choice of Energy Proposed Further Measures
Energy Supply Side Management - Alternative Choice of Energy Proposed Further Measures Trigeneration installation High overall system efficiency in generating own electricity Residual heat for providing steam, hot water and air conditioning More viable with availability of use of landfill gas at lower tariff Require consultancy study review on trigeneration business case
Energy Supply Side Management - Adopting renewable energy Increase solar hot water system installation in hospitals Ride on new Government directives to install more renewable energy system in new hospital projects
(C) Energy Saving Achievements 25
Energy Saving Achieved Energy index in terms of mega joule per hospital floor area (MJ/m2) at downward trend 3.1% reduction in 5 year intervals from 2004/05 up to 2009/10 (equivalent to $70M cumulative savings)
(D) Sustaining Energy Saving 27
Sustaining Energy Saving Support ongoing Government initiation to reduce energy use and carbon emission Key initiatives include: Energy Demand Supply Management To consider replacing air cooled chiller to water cooled chiller Energy Supply Side Management To work out business case of using Trigeneration System 28
Sustaining Energy Saving Continue to ensure hospitals are built with various energy efficient features by the works agents/consultants Participate in territory-wide carbon-less certification scheme as encouragement and continual driving momentum Anticipated there would be further energy reduction 29
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