Eagles Landing Media Center Orientation Readers become leaders! Unknown Click to begin the journey…
Hi, I’m Ms. Johnson, the media specialist. I am looking forward to getting to know you this year. Important… Whenever you see this question mark, turn the map over and answer the next question on the quiz. Answer question 1 now.
Eagles Landing Media Center This is a map of the media center. You are going to learn about each section on the map. You should have a copy of this map on the paper you were given Turn the paper over to the map side and get your pencils ready. Click to continue.
Ms. Johnson Fiction A-Q Fiction – _________________ _________________ Find the fiction section on the map as shown below. Click to go on.
Ms. Johnson Fiction A-Q Fiction – a story that tells of people, places, or things that are not real. Copy the definition of fiction on the blank lines provided on the map. After you copy the definition, answer question 2 on the quiz.
Samples of Fiction Books –Use one of these samples to answer question 3 on the quiz.
Reasons for checking out a fiction book: Question 4 on the quiz can be answered by reading the next two slides.
1. You want to read an imaginary story or an incredible fantasy book like the one below.
2. You need to read a fiction novel for Reading Counts.
Finding a Book in the Fiction Section 1.Click the book bus to open the video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer question 5 on the quiz after you view the video. 4.Close the video window and then click to go to the next slide. 5.Books in the fiction section are organized alphabetically by the: A. title of the book B.author’s last name C.author’s first name
Finding Fiction Books: The First Way 1.Click the book bus to open the next video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer question 6 on the quiz. 4.Close the video window and then click to go to the next slide. 6. One way to find a book in the fiction section is to: a.browse the books on the shelf and read the summary on the back b.ask the librarian to get a book for you c.ask a friend to locate a book for you
Finding Fiction Books 2 1.Click the book bus to open the next video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer questions 7, 8, 9, and 10 on the quiz after viewing the video. 4.Close the video window and then click to go to the next slide. 7.Another way to find a fiction book in the media center is to: A.use the genre chart B.call your mom C.ask a teacher to get you a book 8.What does genre mean? A. method of reading B.type of book like historical fiction, science fiction, etc. C.type of library
Finding Fiction Books 3 9. All fiction books have an F followed by the first three letters of the author’s last name on the side white label (True or False)? 1.Click the book bus to open the next video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer question 11 on the quiz after viewing the video. 4.Close the video window and then click to go to the next slide.
Finding Fiction Books What is the name of the electronic catalog we use to look for a book in the media center? A. Eagles B. Sirsi C. Destiny Note: You will have take a test on using Destiny in a few minutes so pay close attention to how to get into it. 1.Click the book bus to open the next video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer question 12 on the quiz after viewing the video. 4.Close the video window and then click to go to the next slide.
A Applied Sciences Literature Religion Language _________________ Nonfiction Turn the map around so that you are looking at the nonfiction section as shown below. Then click to go on.
A Applied Sciences Literature Religion Language Nonfiction – a book that provides facts about real people, places, events, or things. Copy the definition of nonfiction on the blank lines provided on the map. After you copy the definition, answer question 11 on the quiz.
Samples of Nonfiction Books Use one of these samples to answer question 12 on the quiz now.
Reasons for checking out a nonfiction book: Question 13 on the quiz can be answered by reading the next three slides.
1. You have to write a research paper and need information on a topic like Ancient Greece.
2. A teacher asks you to collect real facts about a topic like Ancient Egypt or Rainforests.
3. You want to learn about how to do something like skateboarding or playing an instrument.
The Dewey Decimal System is used to organize books in the nonfiction section. With the Dewey Decimal System, books have numbers on them that tell what the subject of the book is. Answer question 14 on the quiz now. Click to see some examples.
These are all nonfiction books in the Language section and they have a number from 400 to 499 on the sticker.
These are all nonfiction books in the Arts and Recreation section and they have a number from 700 to 799 on the sticker.
These are all nonfiction books in the Literature section and they have a number from 800 to 899 on the sticker.
There are nine main subject areas in the nonfiction section. You are going to learn about each section so you can find books easily.
ReligionLanguage Turn the paper map around so you are looking at the section below. Click when you are ready to begin…
ReligionLanguage Philosophy Human Ideas Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas. The notes under the numbers tell you what type of books are found in that area.
ReligionLanguage Philosophy Religions, Ceremonies Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
ReligionLanguage Philosophy Social Sciences Folktales, Government Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
ReligionLanguage Philosophy Social Sciences Grammar, Foreign Languages Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
ReligionLanguage Philosophy Social Sciences Pure Sciences Animals, Planets Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
A Applied Sciences Literature Cooking, Pet Care Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
A Applied Sciences Literature Arts & Recreation Sports, Music Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
A Applied Sciences Literature Arts & Recreation Poems, Plays Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
A Applied Sciences Literature Arts & RecreationHistory and Geography Countries, History Directions: Keep clicking the mouse until you learn about all nine subject areas.
Use the map of the nonfiction section to answer question 15 on the quiz now. 15. What are the number ranges for the following nonfiction sections: Philosophy Religion Social Sciences________________ Language________________ Pure Science________________ Applied Science________________ Arts and Recreation________________ Literature________________ History and Geography________________
Biography Turn the paper map around so you are looking at the section below and get ready to take notes. Biography-
Biography Foreign Language Biography – a written story about a person’s life. Copy the definition of biography on the blank lines provided on the map. Next, answer question 16 on the quiz.
Biography S-Z Biography H-R Biography Foreign Language Biography – a written story about a person’s life. A-G Read the information below. Copy the red letters on the shelves as shown. Next, answer question 17 on the quiz. People who have a last name that begins with letters A through G can be found on this shelf. Biography books are alphabetized by the last name of who the book is about.
Final Facts 1.Click the book bus to open the next video. 2.Click the play button to watch the video. 3.Answer questions 20 and 21 on the quiz after viewing the video. 4.Close the video window and exit the presentation. Congratulations, you have finished the first exercise. 18.How long can you keep library books? ____________________ 19.How many books can you check out at a time? _____________
Click on the link below to test your knowledge of the media center. Try to win a million dollars. ml