Technology Integrated into a Multiage, Inclusion Classroom. Shawna May Stephanie Hull Bonnie Brown
Introduction of Speakers Shawna May, Teacher/New Mom Stephanie Hull, Teacher/Doctoral Student Bonnie Brown, ESE Teacher
Overview Multiage Inclusion 3 teachers, one paraprofessional students Co-teaching/Team teaching Small groups and Whole Group (teacher- based) Cooperative Groups (student-based) Individualized Instruction Need Administrative and Parental Support
Multiage Websites m/multiage.xml
Overview of Technology Hardware Wireless Laptops One Computer Lab Set of Alphasmarts Digital Cameras Digital Canons (Movie Camera) I-Book 8 computers in classroom Color Printer Net Television
Overview of Technology Software Microsoft PowerPoint Word Excel Publisher Timeliner Inspiration/Kidspiration Kid Pix Internet Science Court
Bernajean Porter Literacy Uses Designated “experts” tend to be self-initiating in learning on their own. Other interested staff mostly learning on their own time and own dime. Adaptive Participation and support while encourage is still optional as well as unfocused. Transforming Essential skills and practices are articulated, expected, supported, and measured for all teachers.
Technology Literacy Uses Learning hardware and software. Students projects are technology focused rather than expecting standards to intentionally drive the use of technology for learning. Teacher talk if “technology talk” rather than “learning talk.” Teachers view technology as something to learn or do.
Adapting Uses Drill and practice with content software. Instructional games. Productivity tools used to adapt assignments/tasks given in the past without technology. Teacher and student roles remain the same. Teachers view technology as interesting but optional and not necessary to achieve present curriculum goals.
Transforming Uses Complex learning and thinking tools. Community learning tools. Assessment tool Successmaker/FCAT Explorer Student roles expand to include explorers, producers of knowledge, communicators, and self-directed learners. Teacher roles expand to include facilitators, designers, learners, and researchers. Teachers view technology as essential for development of higher-order thinking skills.
Orlando Science Center Preplanning In cooperative groups they organized and scheduled the day. Standards Day of Field Trip Each group had a digital camera, clipboard, their schedule, an alphasmart, and a chaperone. Followed schedule of the day, and found a topic of interest to the entire group.
Orlando Science Center After field trip Groups researched their chosen topic. Created a presentation of choice to teach the rest of the class what they learned.
JASON Project Multi-disciplinary program that sparks the imagination of students and enhances the classroom experience with technology. Different expeditions every year Students are given assignments, experiments, and video interaction with in-field scientists. Rainforests at the Crossroads: Panama’s Barro Colorado Island Week in January of live video feeds.
JASON in the classroom Created topographical maps of Barro Colorado Island Quadaramas of the rainforest layers Students created commercials on Preserving the Rainforests Watched and discussed live feed from the field
Grade Level Unit 5 th grade-American History Timeline & researched a topic of interest 4 th grade-Florida History Timeline & researched a topic of interest 3 rd grade-Ancient Civilizations (Egypt)
Egyptian Unit Researched on the internet Used a word document with appropriate cites. Used a PowerPoint template to guide students through their research. Created a class timeline of the Pharaohs that ruled Egypt.
Other Projects Solar System- 3-D Project & PowerPoint All About Me-PowerPoint for Openhouse Geo Math in the Real World-Digital Cameras & PowerPoint Patterning-Pattern Blocks, Digital Camera, and Word Science Court-Software, Net TV, hands-on experiments Regular writing assignments-Alphasmarts & Word Daily Computer Center-NCS Learn Successmaker, FCAT Explorer, FastForWord, or current technology project.
Any Questions? Shawn May, Stephanie Hull, Bonnie Brown,