Enhancing Mobility in the Heartland Sherry Sikes Carver Central Florida Regional Planning Council July 30, 2014
A comprehensive planning effort that was developed around 5 major goals: ◦ Promote mobility within the Region. ◦ Support the Region’s economic development opportunities. ◦ Provide coordination between the Region’s land use development and promotion of smart growth. ◦ Promote mobility from the Region to other regional destinations. ◦ Coordinate regional mobility governance, planning and funding.
Six Counties Four Communities 5,000 + Square Miles Diverse population – 300,000+ Wide range of needs Rural Areas of Opportunities (RAO)
Region Characteristics and Demographics Identification of Transportation Resources Public Involvement Plan Overall Regional Mobility Needs Assessment Evaluation of Existing Transit Services Develop Goals, Objectives, Policies Identify and Evaluate Mobility Alternatives Rural Mobility Operations and Strategic Plan
12 pilot projects identified 2 have been implemented ◦ Lake Region Commuter Route – PalmTran Maintain existing fixed-route transit service (SR 80 Corridor) from Clewiston in Hendry County to Belle Glade in Palm Beach County; started in 2002; and currently operated by Good Wheels. ◦ DeSoto – Arcadia Regional Transit (DART) A new deviated fixed-route service that provide 2 routes in and around the City of Arcadia; Veolia Transportation is the system operator and service began on November 14, 2012.
Trips for: Employment Education Shopping Social/Entertainment Church Medical Recreation Other basic services
Jay Goodwill The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) Richard Shine, M.S District Transit Programs Administrator and Title VI Program Area Officer for Transit Florida Department of Transportation, District One The DeSoto County Board of County Commissioners The Central Florida Regional Planning Council
The DART service provides DeSoto County residents with mobility and access to life sustaining activities, including: health care services, jobs, employment opportunities, government services and commercial centers. The route connects neighborhoods to a variety of destination and activity centers.
Over 13,600 trips have been provided by DART in the last 12 months 20,000 trips were provided by TD last year
“We’ll take you there!”