Marriage is Honorable
Honor High regard or great respect given, a keen sense of right and wrong, adherence to action or principles considered right -Webster
Honor timioteros: valuable, costly, honored, esteemed -Strong’s
Honor Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honorable among all” Does NOT say “All marriages are honorable” Marriage as defined by the creator of it is honorable Marriage is to be honored by all Believers Non- believers
Honor Marriage is honorable when there is a high regard given to the Creator of it. Marriage is honorable when there is a great respect for the principles that define it. Marriage is honorable when there is a keen sense of right and wrong that is adhered to for those who are IN the proper marriage situation. Marriage is honorable when the bed is undefiled.
Honor Marriage is Dis-honorable when there is not regard for the Creator of it. Marriage is Dis-honorable when the is no respect for the principles that define it. Marriage is Dis-honorable when there is not a keen sense, but a distorted sense for what is right and wrong in the marriage relationship. Marriage is Dis-honorable when the bed is defiled.
One Mia -Strong’s - One
One - Genesis 1:27 He created them on the same day, the 6th day 1:28 He gave them dominion over it and said “Fill it” and “subdue it” 2:19-20 God restates what has happened (not that Eve was created on a later day) 2:21-23 Adam names Eve Bone of my bone flesh of my flesh called her Ish-shah man+mortal = woman, not widely used word in English, but God told us what it meant – “taken out of man”.
One - Genesis 2:24 at this point they are husband and wife because God made them that way v24 starts with “therefore” they shall become “ONE FLESH” 2:25 – notice what scripture calls them, “the man and his wife”
What makes a Marriage? Ceremony Legal license Officiator Consummation Agreement/Consenting God
What makes a Marriage? God -God
“The Two shall become One” A B
“They are no longer Two but One” A B God spoke the marriage into existence
What keeps Marriage Honorable? Abiding in the doctrine of a scriptural marriage Wives submit to your husbands Husbands love your wives Render the affection due one another Understand that the manner in which spouses treated one another keeps the marriage honorable Lack of adultery
Asunder To place room between, empty room or territory -Strong’s
Asunder A B A B To place room between
Asunder Does not mean to “take back apart so it is 2 again” Asunder refers to the ability of man or woman to physically remove themselves from their spouse by their own free will. Marriage is not dissolved by putting asunder
Adultery A B C Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and a woman not his wife, or between a married woman and a man not her husband. -Webster
Adultery A B C The continuous relationship between 2 people when one has already been married. -Jesus (Luke 16:18, Mark 10:11-12)
Adultery C A B Does not constitute another Legitimate “Marriage”
A Test for Jesus? Pharisees came testing Him “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just an reason?” The answer was NO.
What did Moses say? Moses did not command to divorce. Moses permitted divorce for one reason. Pre-marital fornication. Not permitted for adultery. Adultery was punishable with stoning. Pre-marital fornication was also punishable by death if covered up with deceit.
What applies to us today? “For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband. So then if while her husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies she is free from that law” Romans 7:2-3
What applies to us today? Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord; A wife is not to depart from her husband. But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband” I Corinthians 7:10-11, 39
What applies to us today? “Now in the house His disciples asked Him again about the same matter. So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. “And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” Mark 10:10-12
What applies to us today? “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery” Luke 16:18
Conclusion Will you be, or are you part of an “honorable” marriage? Do you have an understanding of God’s honorable institution? Do you know what “one” is? It is why we say ”to death do us part”. Remember, God joins the 2 into 1. And they are no longer 2, but 1. Don’t allow your situation to dictate you doctrine, rather let God’s doctrine dictate your situation – that is what makes us disciples.
Conclusion Are you treating your spouse honorably? Hopefully, you are not taking advantage of them, not abusing them. Hopefully you are rendering the affection due one another, treating the other as yourself. Husbands sacrificially loving your wives Wives submitting to your husbands House filled with love and blessing from the Lord