Title your paper… What Is a GMO? Now come up with your best guess…. DONT share with your neighbors.
Genetically Modified Organism What does it mean to be Genetically Modified?
What is a GMO?
Belgian Blue Cattle…. Genetically Modified?
NO… Its Artificial Selection
Artificial Selection
GMO - organism whose genome has been engineered in the laboratory in order to favor the expression of desired physiological traits or the production of desired biological products.
Issues with GMOs Risks Economics Issues with GMOs
At your table…. Explain the role of natural selection in creating Genetic Resistance to Roundup.
Roundup Resistance – through natural selection the weeds that arent killed by roundup survive and reproduce… making more resistant weeds.
Genetically Modified Animals?
Was the genetically modified fish approved for consumption? The House voted approx June 20, 2011 to prohibit the Food and Drug Administration from approving genetically modified salmon for human consumption
What are your thoughts on GMOs… are you currently for, against, or somewhere in between?
What is Organic?