Resume Writing for ASPT or TSP Positions (District Administration) 1 CoordinatorsAnalystsDesigners SupervisorsSpecialistsNurses DirectorsAccountantsAuditors AccountantsSchedulersProgrammers ResearchersEngineersManagers
The Purpose of a Resume 2 To pass the screening process To document your professional strengths To start the process of committing to a job or career change To get an interview
STEP 1: Review the Advertisement Review the advertisement, job description and/or specific qualifications. Are you qualified? If “yes”, start preparing your resume. If “no”, don’t apply since you will be disqualified. 4
STEP 2: Plan Download managerial application document from the district website. Brainstorm why you are the candidate who can best fulfill the employer’s needs and meet the job description’s responsibilities. List all current and previous experiences that demonstrate what is wanted and needed by the employer, as revealed on the job description. 5
STEP 3: Include Personal Information on Resume Name Address Phone Numbers Address Cameron Mason 555 Main Street Anytown, FL (954) – H (954) – M 6 EXAMPLE:
Include Education/Training Most recent degree first Name of institution Location of institution Year degree completed Attach copy of diploma or transcript with confirmation of degree indicated. Attach copies of any special licenses/certificates that are required for the position. 7
Example: Education Master of Business Administration Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 2000 Bachelor of Arts Florida State University Tallahassee, FL
Include Your Work History List employers in chronological order with most recent first. Give name of company and address. If with the Broward County Public School district, list department/school. Include your position title for each position listed. 9
Work History Example 4/ present Senior Accountant ABC Company 6901NW 16 th Street Plantation, FL /1996 – 5/1998 Accountant Smith & Smith Accounting 335 N. University Drive Coral Springs, FL
STEP 4: Review Job’s Essential Responsibilities on Advertisement Format your resume to address the responsibilities as stated in the advertisement 11
PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR CC (appearing on job description) POSITION TITLE: Personnel Administrator 1 CONTRACT YEAR: 12 Months PAY GRADE: PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Interviews, evaluates and rates applicants for employment. 2. Maintains up-to-date applicant files. EXAMPLE:
PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Create headings on your resume for the listed performance responsibilities in which you have experience. Experience Interviewing, Evaluating, & Rating Applicants for Employment Experience maintaining up-to-date files 13 EXAMPLE:
Identify Your Experiences with the Responsibility Experience Interviewing, Evaluating, & Rating Applicants for Employment: Screened resumes of applicants for positions in the Maintenance Department Served on interviewing committee for three district-level positions 14 EXAMPLE: Now list and bullet your experiences (with years indicated) that coincide with the headings you created.
Identify your experiences with the responsibility (cont’d.) Experience maintaining up-to-date files Maintain up-to-date files on the server for all projects completed by department Supervise the placement of files in the Records Retention Department and keep a notebook indicating files kept in storage boxes 15 EXAMPLE:
STEP 5: Identify Your References Ask people if they will serve as a reference before you include their names on a resume. References should be former supervisors or co- workers. Indicate full names of references and their relationship to you. Give a current telephone number for your references. Friends and relatives should not be listed as references. 16
Examples of References Dr. Hire Often, Director Non-Instructional Staffing 600 SE Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL Buck Deerfield, Principal Deerfield Beach High School 600 SE Eleventh Place Deerfield Beach, FL
STEP 6: Attach Necessary Documents to Your Resume Attach copies of diploma(s) or transcripts indicating the degree and date conferred Attach copies of licenses/certificates required for the advertised position Attach copies of any special certificates or awards that demonstrate your competence for the position 18
STEP 7: Managerial Application Attach the Managerial Application to the front of your Resume. Resumes that do not have the Managerial Application will NOT be processed. 19
“No No’s” Do not specify the salary you expect. Age, race, sex, religion, or national origin are not needed. Photographs should not be included. Do not include charts, graphs, or work samples. Weaknesses should not be listed. 20
Resume Check Use spell check before you let anyone else see your submission. Have a grammatically critical friend do a grammar review. Scan your resume for accuracy and clarity. Have a third person read the final copy and obtain his/her input. 21
Tips for Easy Reading Use white or off-white paper. Make everything 8 1/2” X 11”. Print on one side of the paper only. Use no smaller than 12 point font. Use Times Roman or Arial typeface. Avoid italics. If you mail the resume, place it in a large envelope. Do not fold. 22
IS THE PROCESS ELECTRONIC? Review the application process for the position for which you are applying. (Some positions require electronic applications.) If the application process is NOT electronic, you must provide four sets of your resume with the managerial application form attached to the front of each set. If the process is electronic, the Non-Instructional Staffing Department will not accept applications that are mailed or delivered in person. 23
Counseling Available If you need further assistance, please contact our office at