1 School “H” Sardinia Avenue and Big Leaf Street Located south of I-75 and east of North Salford Boulevard
2 Boundary Advisory Committee Established by School Board policy Adopted at the February 17, 2004 School Board meeting Composed of district staff, site-based administrators, School Advisory Committee chairs, school personnel, and parents selected as representatives of the North Port school communities to share concerns and interests
3 Boundary Advisory Committee Criteria Maintain neighborhood integrity when establishing new school zones Use major natural boundaries to help define zones Consider the school walk-out/two-mile zones Minimize the number of families affected by the boundary changes Given the future building of elementary schools, minimize future redistricting of same students as much as possible Consider growth in planning school boundaries
4 Boundary Advisory Committee Criteria Review the status of school choice/reassignment students in the new boundary process Maintain efficient, effective, and economic transportation configurations Consider how the boundary changes will impact the diversity of the schools
5 School Board policy states when attendance boundaries are changed, incoming fifth graders will have the option of remaining at their present school. Transportation will be provided. Grandfathering
6 Boundary Advisory Committee Recommendations Close new School “H”, Glenallen, Cranberry, and Toledo Blade to Choice for the first year Limit Reassignments to “Extreme Hardship” only Allow students on Choice and Reassignment to remain at their present school Adjust boundaries for new School “H” following all criteria (map on next slide)
7 During the redistricting process, the walking descriptions were rewritten to include uninhabited land in the North Port area West of Glenallen Elementary and North of I-75. The actual populated areas are illustrated on the map on the following slide.
8 Map of School H
9 Enrollment Based on Data
10 Enrollment Projections Based on Predicted Growth for 06/07 SchoolCurrently in Proposed Zone Growth Prediction Cranberry Glenallen School “H” Toledo Blade
11 School “H” will open in 2006
12 Possible Site Plan for School “H”
13 Adoption Process Open Forum on redistricting April 21, :30 p.m. in Glenallen Elementary’s media center School Board Workshop in the Glenallen Media Center May 9 th at 6:00 p.m. Approval to advertise a proposal at the July 19, 2005 School Board meeting (6:30 p.m.)at the Sarasota Board meeting room Public notification of the Board accepted proposal Public Hearing scheduled for the evening of August 2, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. (after the 3:00 pm Board Meeting) at the North Port City Commission Chambers at 5650 North Port Blvd. Adoption of a proposal at the August 16, 2005 School Board meeting(6:30 p.m.)