School Conduct Officer J. Cavaliere
School Conduct Closed Campus Smoking Theft/Burglary/Vandalism Weapons Drugs/Alcohol Harassment/Bullying/Hazing Fighting Off Campus Conduct
Countryside High School is a Closed Campus!!!
Closed Campus Violations Suspension Police Action Truancy Center Trespass on School Grounds Additional Charges
Smoking 1000 feet within campus Juvenile in possession Lighters/Matches
Smoking Punishments Suspensions Have to enroll in “Smoker’s Clinic” Civil Citations Fines between $31-$500 Could become criminal for failure to pay fine or appear in court
Crimes Against Property Burglary Theft Criminal Mischief/Vandalism
Crimes Against Property Crimes of Opportunity Most cases can be prevented
Prevention Tips Leave valuables at home Keep backpacks/purses with you Keep items out of plain view Don’t put valuables in gym locker, put them in your hall locker
REMINDER: The Parking Lot is Under Video Surveillance at All Times. Think Twice Before You Damage or Break into a Vehicle.
Weapon Violations Suspensions Removal from school Felony arrest Error on the side of caution and leave item at home
Drugs Possession means suspension “Face It” Program, Reassignment to alternative high school (Pinellas County Secondary) Arrest Possible seizure of vehicle, cash or other property Conviction could effect your future career, college, how you earn a living
Alcohol Possession by minor Driver’s license suspended/18 yrs old Under the influence at school, or school function (dance, sporting event, etc) Suspension “Face It” Program Reassignment to Alternative High School (Pinellas County Secondary) JAC JARF
Harassment/Hazing/Bullying Possessive boyfriends/girlfriends Stalking, Aggravated Stalking, Battery Protection Orders/Injunctions Suspension/possible reassignment Arrest Dating Violence Written threats to do bodily harm is a felony (Face Book, text messages etc)
Harassment/ Hazing/ Bullying Hazing Punishable as a misdemeanor or felony Factors include the type of hazing incident and the severity of the injury Consent by victim does not matter The school and I take bullying very seriously. You have no idea the effect you have on someone your bullying 1 st time you will be identified as a bully and get a warning. 2 nd time you get reassigned to an alternative high school
Battery/Fighting/Brawling Walk away if you can, other person will be charged with battery and not you! If you choose to fight most cases will result in a suspension of both parties Mediation works, use it, your still cool Criminal charges can be filed Disorderly conduct/Disruption of a school function/battery Obstruction charges can be applied to students watching the fight
Off Campus Conduct Can result in suspension/expulsion Pertains to felony cases Location of offense does not matter Facts of case determine severity of punishment
Mr. Whitaker Assistant Principal Dress Code Girls Boys Tardiness Teacher Detention Referral (IC, Suspension)
Obey Your Teacher Bottom Line If your teacher did not give you permission to do it, you should not be doing it! Come Prepared to Learn-That is what you are here for. Positive Attitude Writing Utensil Books Homework Paper
In School Suspension (IC) Must abide by rules Automatic suspension if you do not.
Behavior/Rules………….. Cell Phones Confiscate and or Suspension (minimum 2 days) Skipping to go to alternative lunch=2 days IC, Suspension Dress Code Profanity Towards Staff Suspension
Behavior/Rules………….. Leaving Campus 2 days IC, Suspension Cheating/Plagiarism Zero, Referral, IC, Suspension=NO COLLEGE Out of Area=IC, Suspension
Suspension Rules Suspension=No extra curricular activities, automatic letter grade deduction, work must be submitted when returned to school. Trespassing and arrested if are found on any school board property during suspension (includes weekends).
After School When the bell rings Go directly to bus Go directly to practice/meeting If not supervised by staff member after school you are trespassing. You cannot roam school unsupervised after school hours.
Parent/Student Contracts You and your parent sign and fill out the contract Submit it to Mrs. Reitmeyer in AP Office or place it in my mail box outside my door. Will be entered into prize drawing for those who turn in completed contract by the end of the day September, 28 th.