Dr. Lesley Messier – Director of Student Services & Exceptional Student Education
Should be vs. reality Preventative measure Find what you are looking for! Each day out of class places a child 2 days behind One person can change the outcome for a child The price is right! FREE trainers are provided from USF grant We are all guilty of forgetting to praise the hard workers, the good people around us!
Administrative support is essential Teachers work as a team Family component
PBS is a research based, positive focus, school- wide program Creates a positive learning environment that increases student achievement Reduces discipline & problem behaviors
Not implemented in isolation Not variable across the school Not only for students with discipline problems
Administration is key Programs vary from school to school Research based and part of the Response to Intervention federal requirement
Like RTI, PBS strives to have 80% healthy learning environment Both PBS & RTI get at the foundation of learning: good instruction. Teachers target specific training based on the data, i.e.. bullying, theft, etc.. Support provided by behavioral specialists Japanese proverb: “Nothing is taught until something is Learned”
Schools have shown a significant decrease in referrals and disruption to the classroom setting Research shows that there is a relationship to disruption and achievement
Data collection phase Reducing low grade referrals Sugarloaf saw a 38% reduction in discipline referrals Importance of a positive focus in trying times
Schools decide incentives based on the students preferences Extrinsic intrinsic School-wide examples: karaoke, race a teacher, yard sale, principal luncheon were huge hits!
Parent groups have funded and supported the program Parent component essential Several grants in process
Helps schools develop a positive culture Appreciate differences Teaches teamwork Creates a positive learning atmosphere!
Currently administering PBS: Poinciana HOB Glynn Archer Sugarloaf Training May: KLS, MHS, Switlik
55 of the 67 Florida School Districts will be implementing PBS by the school year. Florida leads the nation with PBS districts at almost 80% Questions? For more on Florida PBS go to: