Ch. 3 Settlements Take Root
monarchs Rulers, kings, queens, ect.
encomienda A grant from the Spanish government that gave a Spanish settler the right to control local Native Americans
Class structure A system for ranking people, often according to power of wealth
missionary Someone who travels to a new land to persuade others to believe in a particular religion
investor A person who gives money to a business hoping to earn more money in return
Cash crop A crop raised to sell Not for use by the people who farm it
House of Burgesses A special legislative body (government) set up by the Virginia Company for the colonists to govern themselves In England a burgess represented a town
representatives People chosen by voters to speak and act for them
pilgrim A person who goes on a religious journey
Mayflower Compact An agreement to explain how the Pilgrims would govern themselves A promise to work together
Indentured servant Someone who agrees to work without pay for someone else for a set time They would get food, clothing and shelter They would work between a few months and 10 years At the end of the agreement the servant is free
Puritans People who left England so that they could practice religion freely.
Northwest Passage A shortcut by water across North America to Asia
commerce The business of buying and selling goods