Welcome to Ms. Miller’s Class 8 th Grade Language Arts
All About Me: I have been teaching since I have taught kindergarten through seniors at both private and public schools. I am in my third year of teaching at Challenger K8. I graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Journalism and English. Currently, I am pursuing a Masters Degree in English education. I enjoy reading, spending time with my family, and
Course Description: The purpose of this class is to provide integrated educational experiences in the language arts strands as outlined by the Sunshine State Standards. Sunshine State Standards: The state of Florida expectations for student achievement. Grade level standards and expectations can be viewed at link Resources. Textbook: Write Source: A Book for Writing, Thinking, and Learning
Grade Distribution: Tests35% Quizzes/Projects15% Class Work40% Exams10%
Classroom Procedures: Before you enter the room, please be sure to use the restroom and get a drink. You have time between classes to take care of your business. When you enter the room, get your Bellwork folder and go to your seat. Be sure you have all the necessary supplies, including pencils and plenty of notebook paper. Take out your agenda and write down your daily assignment and your homework assignment. Complete your Bellwork. Attendance will be taken during Bellwork. It is important that you are in your seat when the bell rings so you will not be marked absent. If you are tardy, you must have an excused pass. If you do not have a pass then it is an unexcused tardy, and any work you miss will remain incomplete. During class please remain in your seat. Please do not talk until after you have raised your hand and have been given permission. Talking while I am teaching is disruptive and will not be tolerated. Talking during approved and appropriate times should be at a reasonable volume level as to not disturb other students or classes.
Homework will be turned in at the beginning of class. If you did not do your homework, please turn in a piece of blank paper with the proper heading. This will alleviate any question as to whether it was complete or turned in or not. Test will be given with plenty of notice and time to study. Study guides will be given out and reviewed prior to every test. Agendas are to be brought to class everyday. When you are absent, make-up work is your responsibility. You are responsible for obtaining the assignments, completing them, and turning them in. School supplies are essential for success. Please come to class prepared with paper, pens, pencils and any other necessary supplies. Borrowing school supplies from classmates is NOT AN EXCUSE for talking or walking about the room. It is your responsibility to be prepared!
Please remember that we work together as a team. I am here to HELP YOU. Please ask for help when you need it or you do not understand something. I am unable to help you if I do not know you need it. In that situation, we both fail! When we work together, we both succeed! OUR GOAL IS TO SUCCEED!
Be respectful. Be prepared. Be prompt. Be honest. Be quiet. Classroom Rules:
I am anticipating that your child will have a wonderful, educational year. I will do everything within my power to help ensure your child’s success. To help make this possible there are rules and procedures that must be followed to help assure the opportunity for your child to be successful.
Contact Me: Telephone: (352) Address: Elgin Blvd. Spring Hill, FL 34609
“There's a need for accepting responsibility - for a person's life and making choices that are not just ones for immediate short-term comfort. You need to make an investment, and the investment is in health and education.” Buzz Aldrin (NASA Astronaut, 1963) Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education and our school.