Service Monitoring - Quality & Improvement Provider Engagement Network November 2011
This presentation… What does the service monitoring vision we are working towards look like at the moment? Who is doing what to achieve that vision? What are the next immediate opportunities for provider engagement to help shape this vision?
Zones 1, 2, and 3 Zones 4 and 5 ( Zones 6, 7 and 8 Service Delivery Provider DCC Monitoring Requirements Contracts FRAMEWORKFRAMEWORK CQC Compliance
Commissioning cycle… Monitoring activity is proportionate to the risks and value of the work being undertaken Strikes the right balance between learning and improvement, and ‘compliance’ Builds in service user and carer perspective through formalising ‘Citizen Checker’ type role which we are involving service users in developing
Example timetable… NovDecJanFebMarchApril Service Monitoring Planner MayJuneJulyAugustSeptOct Service Monitoring Planner NovDecJanFebMarchApril Service Monitoring Planner Review of contracts in Zone x Review of contracts in Zone y
Goal keeping -CQC -Compliance A football game…? Goal Defence -Assurance -Governance Forward (attack) -Improvement opportunities
Who is doing what? Quality and Improvement Sub Group Chaired by Geoffrey Cox and Max Sillars Continuous Improvement in Care Joint NHS provider programme (Gill Hoskins) County Strategic Provider Group Quality and Monitoring Project Group for Social Care
Levels of engagement There are 3 levels of engagement that the JEB oversees; 1.Strategic vision 2.Change programmes and projects 3.Service Monitoring
Service Delivery Monitoring: Health & Adult Social Care Engagement contract Mencap quality checkers Living Options Devon quality checkers Learning Disability Parliament quality checkers (Devon LinkUp / Devon People First?) Other quality checkers? Older people’s care homes quality checks aligned to Quality Improvement project Community Equipment Retail Panel Carers Health & Wellbeing checks contract
Service Delivery Monitoring Sub Group This group will bring together all the work that has been going on in Devon We will advise and develop a clear pathway for service user and carer monitoring
Who is doing what?
Draft timetable… NovDecJanFebMarchApril Service Monitoring Development Planner MayJuneJulyAugustSeptOct Service Monitoring Development Planner NovDecJanFebMarchApril Service Monitoring Development Planner
Priorities & implementation A pilot working with care homes to study causes of hospital admissions – Primary Care led. Essential Standards audit - Has introduced an audit tool, and found a provider to pilot it over 5 care homes And has introduced a tool to record significant events, and translate the learning from these into improvements CIC programme In progress… Medicine Management Tool Service User and Carer Tool
Conclusions… What does the service monitoring vision we are working towards look like at the moment? Who is doing what to achieve that vision? What are the next immediate opportunities for provider engagement to help shape this vision?