Hampshire County Youth Conference “Keep Calm and Stay Positive” 2 nd May 2014
Boundaries Please: respect one another understand that we are all entitled to our views and opinions behave in a way that the place you are representing would expect stay in the Ashburton Hall
Welcome to Hampshire County Council Introductions and Domestics
What is today all about? Clio Bellenis Director of CAMHS
Icebreaker Human Bingo
KEEpad Quiz
Workshop 1 Mental Health… what is it?
Mental Health “A state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”
Emotional wellbeing “A positive state of mind and body, feeling safe and able to cope, with a sense of connection with people, communities and the wider environment”
Staying well....
Some coping strategies Reduce physical arousal (act opposite emotion, breathing exercises) Distraction (thoughts, activities, contributions, sensations) Block unhelpful thoughts (imagery) Solve the problem Am I doing everything on my daily maintenance plan? What is the wise/effective thing to do? What takes me towards my long term goals?
Signs - things to look out for Changes in Behaviour Mood Appetite / sleep Personality Social involvement Appearance Academic performance
A definition of stigma: The experience of shame or disgrace that sets people apart and identifies them as being different or undesirable. (Time to Change) Many people report that the impact of stigma is harder to deal with than their actual mental health problem.
Stigma..... Prevents people from seeking help earlier Fuels negative views; reduced self esteem (self stigma) Can impact on.... employment opportunities relationships treatment physical health
“Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.” Bill Clinton
Workshop 2 Wellness Plans
Mental Health in Hampshire Lao Cooper Strategic Lead for Emotional Wellbeing Review
Clinical Commissioning Groups & Mental Health in Hampshire 2 May 2014
Who am I and what do I do? I’m not sure…….??? Lao Cooper Lead Commissioner for CAMHS Services in Hampshire I work across the five Clinical Commissioning Groups (part of the NHS) in Hampshire The Clinical Commissioning Groups commission (decide and then buy) health services, like hospitals, for the population of Hampshire
What have children and young people told us? We asked a charity to seek views from a wide variety of people and organisations. There were around 800 responses from children and young people. Over 1,600 responses were received in total.
What have children and young people told us? The children and young people we asked felt that good emotional wellbeing means: “feeling safe and secure”, “being satisfied with life” and “feeling worthwhile” Children and young people thought it didn’t mean: “never crying”, “never being angry”, “being outgoing and chatty” and “laughing a lot”
What have children and young people told us? Nearly 50% of children and young people who responded said that they felt ‘anxious or unhappy’ that day (89% within the last month). 30% said that they felt like they couldn’t do anything because of the way they were feeling.
What have children and young people told us? “MAKE IT WORTHWHILE”
What are we going to do? Use the feedback children and young people and others have provided to decide how we should deliver services in the future. This will be included within a document we are developing. Things you are doing today will also be used.
Thank you
Lunch! Big Brother Diary Room Visit the Stall in the ‘Street’ Smoothie Bike
Workshop 3 What’s your experience of health services?
An Introduction to… Steve Manley, Community Outreach & Engagement Officer
What is ? “The new independent consumer champion for health and social care services” Healthwatch England 152 Local Healthwatch organisations
Find out what’s going on in health and care services across Hampshire. We gather evidence about real experiences… good and bad! Provide evidence based feedback to commissioners and providers to influence and to challenge. Provide the public with information, advice and signposting on health and social care services. Our roles …
Healthwatch England Health & Wellbeing board Care Quality Commission We’re independent, we’ll keep you up to date about what we’re doing and most importantly we’re powerful.
Your Voice Counts … The opinions of young people really matter to us We’ll take the feedback we receive today and make sure that your voices are heard by decision makers
Thinking Hats… Tell us about the services that matter to you… Hospit als CAM HS Denti st Accident & Emergency Optici an Doctor s
Have your say… Postcards What single thing would improve your emotional well-being? T-shirts Comments and feedback for CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
co.uk Healthwatch In person at any Citizens Advice Bureau in Hampshire Your voice counts …
Workshop 4 Next Steps
How can you stay involved after the conference?
End of Conference Thank you for coming, we hope to see you next time!