Change for Children in Gloucestershire Children and Families Service 28 th April 2005
Every Child Matters – the vision Radical improvement in opportunities and outcomes for children through reformed children’s services Systemic change to: Build services focussed on children, young people and families Develop the workforce And to integrate Universal and targeted services Services across the age range
What’s happening? 2004 Children Act Outcomes Framework Change for Children 10 year childcare strategy Workforce Strategy ?? Youth Green Paper New relationship with schools Local response
Children Act 2004 Children’s Commissioner Duty to cooperate Duty to have regard to the need to safeguard and promote welfare Duty to promote educational achievement of looked after children Children and Young People’s Plan Local safeguarding Children’s Boards Director /lead member for Children’s services Joint Inspection Framework/Joint Area Reviews
Children’s trusts now mean Arrangements for working together to improve outcomes through: Front line staff providing integrated services Processes that support staff to do this Planning to set a direction Governance arrangements that support this approach
Our Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership
CYPSP vision Children have the right to: –Thrive –Succeed in school –Grow up healthy –Have every opportunity to grow into successful adults. Families and communities able to care for them as they grow. Preventative, community based services need to: Break down traditional barriers Be easy to access Be integrated, inclusive and high quality
Challenges Gloucestershire is already a good place for children and Young people to live. But we face challenges in : Strategic interagency planning Service silos & professional boundaries Resources – level and source Differing needs/provision across county (urban – rural) Un-coordinated service development and delivery Managing shift to prevention and high quality services for those with complex needs
CYPSP strategy Developing the voice of children, young people and parents –Local flexibility and community ownership Reducing the gap between good outcomes for most children and poor outcomes for some –Improve support for children with greatest needs –Develop preventative services across the age range Simplified access to services –Joined up services –Clear entitlements Maximise impact of resources –Developing organisations and the workforce
Framework for Change Creates a multi-agency process to address issues –Supports planning & priority setting –Clarifies accountability –Joins up activity
Planning Framework CYPSP Board Change Projects Business Planning Service Improvement & coordination Improving Access Developing Services Multi agency Agency led Area Planning
Project organisation Business PlanningImproving AccessService Development Children + Young People’s Plan ‐ Analysis of need and resources ‐ Consultation ‐ Setting priorities/joint commissioning ‐ Performance management ‐ Communication Area Working ‐ local planning ‐ professional coordination ‐ VCS capacity building -Information, advice + information sharing -Assessment + Thresholds -Multi agency working and working with schools - child action project - extended schools - multi agency teams Young children ‑ children’s centre development Middle Years ‑ Support for children and families Young People ‑ Support for young people Disability Integration Safeguarding ‑ establish Safeguarding Board Support for emotional well being and behaviour
Some big questions …… YOS NHS LEA Schools Early Years Social Services Connexions Children’s Fund Youth Service ?
What do we mean by integrated service/services? How much is commissioned and by who? How much is provided and by who? Other big questions ……
Looking forward Programme team to support multi agency projects Focus on Children and Young People’s Plan Develop process within County Council to establish Children’s Services Directorate
Producing the Plan Consultation Analysis of data, performance, spend & gaps CYPSP sets priorities Consultation on priorities Drafting Plan Agree Plan APRIL 2006 April 2005 Sept. 05 Nov. 05 Jan. 06
Managing the Change We are planning:- Timelines How all staff can contribute Regular communication Resources we will need Practical concerns – IT, accommodation Decision making process ISPP2 – joint priorities for 05/06
Some questions for you What are you most anxious about? What are your teams most anxious about? What opportunities do you hope we grasp? What messages are you going to give your teams? How do we best communicate with your teams?