From Task Force to Reform Board: progress of the social work reform programme 22 September 2011
Background to reforms 2008 – concerns about quality of social work practice and education Government Task Force to clarify problems and make recommendations. SWTF final report makes 15 recommendations Jan Social work reform board ( SWRB) – and working groups Dec 2010 – One year On report with proposals for implementation Jan – March consulting on and testing out proposals Summer 2011 onwards – refining proposals, transferring ownership to the sector, working on remaining recommendations
The National Reform Programme recommended by the Social Work Task Force
Employers ADASS ADCS CAFCASS Children England LGA LGE Mind NHS Confederation SOLACE Service users A National Voice Princess Royal Trust for Carers Shaping Our Lives Regulator GSCC and HPC from Summer 2012 Profession Aspect BASW College of Social Work Unison Educators Association of SW professors SWAP JUC-SWEC Universities UK Government BIS DfE DH Delivery orgs CQC CWDC HEFCE Ofsted QAA SCIE Skills for Care
Professional standards CPD Assessed year in employment Licence to practise Career structure Calibre of entrants Curriculum Education regulation Practice learning Employers’ standard Supervision Supply & demand Workloads Partnerships Career development working group Education working group Employers’ standard Working group Social Workers’ Reference GroupService users and carers Employers’ Reference Group
The Reform Programme – Tools for Change
New guidance for higher education institutions (HEIs) to ensure selection of the best candidates onto the social work degree Getting the right people into social work Developing the right knowledge and skills A new curriculum framework leading to a more consistent and relevant degree curriculum Curriculum guidance for HEIs with in depth tools to aid curriculum design Regulation and endorsement of courses
Preparing to work at the frontline Guidance for HEIs on effective structure of practice placements and principles for good partnership working between employers and HEIs Defining excellent social work practice Overarching Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) defining what we mean by excellent social work practice and setting out shared expectations of social workers at each stage in their careers These expectations will underpin the social work degree, the first year in practice, and continuing professional development
From September 2012: a programme of support and assessment for all newly qualified social workers With the support of their employers, NQSWs will need to show that they have met the ASYE standards as set out in the professional capabilities framework Assessed & Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) Supporting social workers at the front line Standards for Employers: set out the expectation that social workers will receive regular high quality supervision within an open and supportive environment that promotes time for reflection, collaboration and shared learning.
New CPD framework agreed to promote and support social workers to develop their capabilities, deepen their knowledge and extend their skills to deal with increasingly complex and specialist work This will enable more flexibility and choice, promote organisational and personal responsibility for CPD and give greater priority to ongoing learning and development Continuing professional development (CPD) Planning for future service delivery Supply and demand model now available to enable better regional and local workforce planning. This will allow local authorities and other employers to forecast the demand for social workers more accurately and to work with HEIs to ensure the right numbers of social workers are being trained to meet future service needs
When will it happen? Summer 2011: Better support for social workers - Standards for Employers launched with early adopters Summer 2011: Accurate forecasting of supply and demand – new tool launched for consultation and early adoption Autumn 2011: Independent professional voice for social work - College of Social Work is established as legal entity Autumn 2011: High quality CPD for all social workers – the College of Social Work takes on the new CPD framework Autumn 2012: Strengthening the social work degree - new social work degree requirements take effect Autumn 2012: A consistent programme of learning and support for new social workers - Piloting of models of assessment for the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment
Further Information Website: College of Social Work: