Educational Visits, Learning Outside The Classroom, Outdoor Learning, Outdoor Education, Adventure Education, Outdoor Play
Group task: Why do we organise educational visits? What are the benefits of visits? As a group, write them in bullet point or mind map format on flipchart paper. Be ready to share key points with the other groups.
Core Messages Educational visits, Outdoor Education, Learning Outside the Classroom etc should be embedded within and across the curriculum to provide opportunities to deliver core curriculum content which can be reinforced and extended back in the classroom
Core Messages For all settings an holistic approach to Educational Visits or Outdoor Education will provide powerful pathways to deliver the 5 Every Child Matters Outcomes
Core Messages Outdoor Education can provide amongst the most memorable of experiences. It therefore can make sense to deliver key learning outcomes through these experiences.
The ‘Heineken’ effect! : Educational visits have impact not easily achieved through other means Clear aims are the first stage in risk management
Messages our children absorb Nature is in the past – it probably doesn’t count anyway The future is in computers and electronics The bogeyman lives in the woods
“Because if you just read stuff out of a book, it’s not really enjoyable and you don’t really remember it. But if you go there then you’ll enjoy yourself, you’ll have great fun and it’ll stick in your mind” (Secondary School student).
“It’s noisy in the classroom and it’s hard to concentrate, sometimes I would pretend to go to the toilet just to get out, get fresh air and move my body” (Sasha, aged 8).
“I’d say that you learn mostly how to interact with different kinds of people and are open to different ideas. You learn how to cooperate well with others who share and don’t share the same opinions as you” (Teo, aged 14).
“I feel better about myself. I think that I can do more and I’m proud of myself” (Rachel, aged 13).
“Before we went on the trip... I didn’t really care about like people moving into houses and building stuff. But I’ve like realised like cos... when we saw the wildlife what would be damaged if they blitz that. And before I didn’t really care but it has changed my view” (Secondary School student).
Five areas of child development: Cognitive Physical Social Emotional Personal Source: DCSF
Task A member of staff submits a visit form with vague aims. The venue is the local zoo. In small groups discuss how you could encourage/challenge the visit leader to further develop the learning opportunities. Cognitive Physical Social Emotional Personal
Comfort Zone The area where the most powerful learning takes place Challenge: cognitive, physical, social, emotional, personal
Ten Outcomes: Enjoyment/Fulfilment Confidence Social Awareness Activity Awareness Activity Skills Personal Qualities Key Skills Health and Fitness Motivation for Learning Broadened Horizons
Critical Questions How does the planned activity contribute to the young person’s educational development and the bigger picture? What are the planned learning outcomes? Is the evaluation criteria clear? How effectively will young people be able to demonstrate their learning outcomes?
Every Child Matters (Applies across Children Services) Stay Safe Be Healthy Enjoy and Achieve Achieve Economic Well Being Make a Positive Contribution
Audit of Outdoor Learning On siteWalking distance Involving the use of transport Involving an overnight stay Involving adventure Involving travel abroad Post – – 7 0 to 5
Ofsted Report: “Learning Outside the Classroom –How far should you go?” Learning outside the classroom contributed significantly to raising standards and improving pupils’ personal, social and emotional development. Teachers should be able to teach in contexts other than the classroom. (Robin Hammerton HMI 2008)
“Memorable activities led to memorable learning.”
“The place where activities happened often added to the value.”
Ofsted Report: “Learning Outside the Classroom –How far should you go?” Some strategies e.g. numeracy and literacy are straight jackets to other experiences. Even when LOtC is not delivered to a high standard, it can still be a positive experience. Very often, the standard in ex-curricular activities is better than in lessons. (Robin Hammerton HMI 2008)
Ofsted Report/LOtC Out and About Launch 2008 Our approach to education has been battery farming young people instead of free range. (Kevin Brennan MP) You can’t learn about the outside if you are on the inside. (Mick Waters QCA) A week’s residential is worth a term in school. (Tim Brighouse)
Findings of the Ofsted report While schools felt they knew the value of LOtC activity, few evaluated this rigorously. Classroom observations but few LOtC observations. Few schools analysed value for money within LOtC activity.
Ensure curriculum planning includes well structured opportunities for all learners to engage in LOtC. Ensure equal and full access for all learners to LOtC by monitoring participation and removing any barriers. Recommendations for schools
Evaluate the quality of LOtC to ensure that it has maximum impact. Recommendations for schools