How to bring change, when change is hard
we all respond to change differentlywe all respond to change differently we are leading volunteerswe are leading volunteers change happens to us from external sourceschange happens to us from external sources we aim to change thingswe aim to change things we are changedwe are changed we learn in the processwe learn in the process
Where have you seen change done well or badly ? Why ?
we must change or be changed. Alan Roxburgh. Missional Map Making
As it was in the beginning, is now and shall be for ever and evermore. Amen.
For anything to change someone has to start actingFor anything to change someone has to start acting very differently & from there to get people behaving differently. Chip & Dan Heath Switch. How to change things
Why people dont want to change? a desire not to give up something of valuea desire not to give up something of value misunderstanding of the changemisunderstanding of the change belief that change does not make sensebelief that change does not make sense a low tolerance for changea low tolerance for change exhaustionexhaustion
proactiveproactive relationalrelational intentionalintentional missionalmissional
God grant me the serenity to acceptGod grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr
What might you need to put into place to see change happen well.
1. Foster a sense of urgency
2. This requires a team
3. Develop the change vision & strategy Where there is no vision, the people are undisciplined. Where there is no vision, the people are undisciplined. Proverbs 29 v18.
Leaders define what the future should look like, align people should look like, align people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles. John Kotter
Say it once, say it twice Say it once, say it twice and keep on saying it and when you have finished, youll know youve still not said it enough, Bill Clinton
4. Communicate for understanding and commitment
vivid repeatable invitational lived by leaders
3 Questions Whats your story? Will those who need to hear it believe it? Is it true?
4 dangers fearfear death by delaydeath by delay confusionconfusion ridiculeridicule
Change is easy, the problem is transition
Help people to understand why it is happening People responsible for planning & implementing change forget that while the first task of change management is to understand the destination and how to get there. The first task of transition management is to convince people to leave home. Youll save yourself a lot of grief if you remember that. William Bridges
Saying goodbyeSaying goodbye Shifting into neutralShifting into neutral Moving forwardMoving forward
The purposeThe purpose The pictureThe picture The planThe plan The partThe part Transition communication
See the need to- have to Learn enough- want to Receive enough- able to
5. Empower others to get involved No leaders can command or compel change. Hence the role of leaders is to enlist the participation of others as leaders of that effort. Alvin Toffler
6 Produce some short term positives
7. Dont give up the testing of your faith develops perseverance. the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete. James 1 v3-4
8. Create a new missional culture
Question for discussion? Which of Kotters points did you find most helpful? Are there any you are not so sure about?
Questions for discussion? God grant me the serenity to acceptGod grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. What might you need to change?What might you need to change? What do you need to doWhat do you need to do to make this change work? What is the biggest challenge you face with this?