Creativity in supporting pupils with autistic spectrum disorders. Nicky Kennedy (Billing Brook School) Francesca Shears (Northgate School Arts College)
The New Triad of Impairments Sensory Issues Flexibility Social Interaction & Communication
The Seven Senses Sight Touch Smell Taste Sound Vestibular sense – helps with balance Proprioception – body awareness and co-ordination ability
Sensory Issues Many people with ASD are monotropic – utilise one sense at a time This can take the form of hypersensitivity – become uncomfortable when experiencing minor encounters OR hyposensitivity – when a child is underwhelmed by the world
Flexibility Structure Schedules Plan for change
Work system Where do I have to be? What is happening? How long will it last? What’s next?
Environment Sensory considerations Minimise visual distractions Work stations/areas Where to sit? Individual needs
Time Out Important for individuals to know there is a ‘safe’ place/area if they need it Should not be used as a negative. Somewhere with no demands.
Organisation Check the person has correct equipment Do not assume that just because a person with ASD has been told what to do they will know what to do, or how to do it. Clear concise instructions – post it notes!! Break down the task
Difficult times Reduce language De-escalate Distract Introduce a different person Withdraw from situation
Behaviour Reminders of how to behave. Support in knowing how to improve behaviour. Behaviour very often can be a reaction to stress. Consistent approach. Know the individual.
A new day Is just that!
Top Tips Address the individual by name Keep sentences/instructions simple Allow time for information to be processed Do not offer too many choices Stick to boundaries Do not force eye contact. Remember a person with ASD can be very literal. Be consistent.