Media Friendly PUBLIC SPEAKING. INTRODUCTION “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”


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Presentation transcript:


INTRODUCTION “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

“The Wow Factor” Begins with CONTENT Improve the content by developing ideas Enhance your message to improve content Learn and understand your material Then cut it till it bleeds

“The Wow Factor” Test each key message, each bullet and each slide with: The “So What” Test (Does what it says on the tin)

“The Wow Factor” AVOID Partnership working Service delivery Stakeholder involvement Customer Engagement Sustainable Communities Transformation Agenda Reconfiguration of Services (All Public Sector jargon)

“The Wow Factor” On “Ban on Smoking Legislation” Try: Most important day in Public Health for 60 years – since Clean Air Act Will save 1000s of lives every year Even the smokers support the ban – 70% do!

“The Wow Factor” Most important day in Public Health for 60 years – since Clean Air Act – SO WHAT test - PASS Will save 1000s of lives every year – Even more important – SO WHAT Test Even the smokers support the ban – 70% do! – SURPIRSE!

“The Wow Factor” SURPRISE Tell the audience something they don’t know and you have their attention 70% of smokers support the ban – surprised? Because 70% want to give up, but can’t Hooked on nicotine – as addictive as heroin

“The Wow Factor” AVOID Stating the blindingly obvious: Cleaner, Greener, Safer – London Borough of Merton – Mission Statement Do they want Merton to be: Dirtier, browner and more dangerous? Surely not Then tell the public something they don’t already know

CONFIDENCE Comes when you know you have superb content When you know and understand your content When you are well practised and well rehearsed When you are relaxed enough to speak around your slides or notes - extempore

CONFIDENCE Please try and avoid reading from a script You are much better talking to an audience Say it, don’t read it! Most effective form of communication is direct speech, not reading from a script So try and talk around each slide, note, or bullet point Practice till it comes naturally

PREPARATION The 5 W’s + H W - What? W - Why? W - Who? W - Where? W - When? H - How?

PREPARATION - Summary Audience / Objective / Time Set audience focused objective Research audience Confirm time allocation Consider venue arrangements Design content Choose visuals

EFFECTIVE STRUCTURE Tell your audience what you are going to tell them Tell them Tell them what you have told them (So that is: tell ‘em, tell ‘em and tell ‘em!)

MIDDLE OF PRESENTATION Logical, structured sequence maximum of 3 main points Summaries Signpost - tell your audience where you are with the speech Use signposts to signal when you are moving to next point

INTRODUCTION Introduce yourself, why are you giving the speech? Signpost your audience - tell them what you are going to tell them WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) Hook your audience at beginning of talk Timing Questions

ENDING Summarise main points Closing comments / call to action / WIIFM Thank audience Pause Invite questions

REHEARSE, REHEARSE, REHEARSE Golden rule - rehearse! Common mistake - to write speech as if it is an article Verbal communication different from written Rehearse out loud Record yourself - if possible Good practice for timings

WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? External - 25% cuts good news for shareholders Internal - 25% cuts bad news for staff Play to the overlap - (between what you want to say and what they want to hear) Talk to your audience, not at them People learn more from interactive communications

PRESENTING Take up your position Smile, make your audience feel welcome For them to listen, there must be something they get out of it Capture their interest WIIFM - What’s In It For Me? Then they will listen

RELAX - Reasons why you feel nervous Understand why you may be nervous “I’m afraid of drying up” “I’m afraid of making a fool of myself” “I’m worried my audience will catch me out” “What if I lose my place?” “I don’t know what to say”

RELAX Relaxation techniques Breathing exercise Breathe in deeply through your nose Exhale very slowly through mouth Take 30 seconds for each breath Repeat 3 times

TOP TIPS Know your material – use a personal story to illustrate a point Practice, Practice, Practice – rehearse out loud Know your audience – greet some of the audience members as they arrive Know the room – arrive early, walk around Relax – Pause, smile, count to three – transform nerves into enthusiasm

TOP TIPS Visualise giving your speech – imagine yourself speaking to the audience, clearly, confidently People want you to succeed – audience wants you to be stimulating and interesting Don’t’ apologies for nerves or any problem – they probably didn’t notice Concentrate on the message – not the medium Gain experience – your speech should represent you as well as your organisation

If and when things go wrong You can only control your reaction to it Don’t – blow your cool Do – maintain your dignity Visualise giving your speech – imagine yourself speaking to the audience, clearly, confidently People want you to succeed – audience wants you to be stimulating and interesting Don’t’ apologise for nerves or any problem – they probably didn’t notice

HUMOUR Or Humor – as Americans refer to it Don’t try and be funny if you’re not But if you do have a dry sense of humour – give it some exposure If you must tell a joke, avoid jokes about race, gender or anything which is “UnPC”

BODY LANGUAGE Start with eye contact SMILE! Use your face to express emotion Avoid distracting mannerisms like fidgeting Make gestures convincing. (Don’t be half hearted). Let go of the lectern occasionally! Try and move to a different part of the stage

DO NOT! Start with a whimper Imitate other speakers Read your speech word for word Fail to “work the room” Use someone else’s stories Speak without passion End a speech with questions and answers Fail to make a “call to action”