The East Midlands Declaration on Affordable Housing Andrew Pritchard Director of Policy & Infrastructure
Housing Supply in the EM
The Affordable Housing Challenge ● 75% reduction in HCA funding for affordable housing in the East Midlands for ● Lack of understanding about strength of the East Midlands investment case ● Perceptions about the challenges of ‘doing business’ in some areas ● Lack of a joined up approach between key institutions and interests
Smith Institute Report Published in September 2012 Highlighted the declining share of the national resources for the EM since 2010 Challenged councils, LEPs and MPs to develop a collective case for investment
Our Response Affordable Housing Prospectus: setting out the ‘East Midlands Offer’ East Midlands Declaration on Affordable Housing: demonstrating local political commitment Examples of Best Practice: showing what we can deliver given the chance
Affordable Housing Prospectus Based on the Smith Institute research Sets out both the economic and social benefits of investment Demonstrates the value of investing in the EM to UK plc
Affordable Housing Declaration Sets out a list of key commitments Supported by EMC, NHF and the HCA Derbyshire Dales the first to sign up – we now have 31 councils and counting…
Case Study: Gainsborough
Case Study: Derbyshire Dales
Case Study: Leicestershire NHB
What has happened since? Between 31 st March 2012 and the end of February 2013, the HCA has committed an extra £9.2 million into the East Midlands, which will deliver an extra 575 new units
What else are we doing? Working with the new EM MPs Group to improve the voice of the EM in Parliament A wider ‘Investment in Opportunity’ prospectus to promote infrastructure investment across the EM launched in February 2013 Supporting efforts of housing associations to form an East Midlands lobbying group (similar to those existing in London & WM)