Health Strategies in Action Districts at the Heart of Health Improvement
Menu for Today What influences health and wellbeing What's the role of Districts? How things are working in Leicestershire and Blaby around H&WB
Contributors to Health Outcomes Smoking 10% Diet/Exercise 10% Alcohol use 5% Poor sexual health 5% Health Behaviours 30% Education 10% Employment 10% Income 10% Family/Social Support 5% Community Safety 5% Socioeconomic Factors 40% Access to care 10% Quality of care 10% Clinical Care 20% Environmental Quality 5% Built Environment 5% Built Environment 10%
Health and Wellbeing A home A purpose Friends
Housing Matters From Rose to Black to Marmot....
Source: Appleyard D, Lintell M. The environmental quality of city streets: The residents' viewpoint. Am Inst Plan J 1972;38: Friends Matter Friends and acquaintances increase in areas of light traffic density
How Districts Support Delivery of the Public Health Framework
The Leicestershire Approach A wider strategic approach to deliver better outcomes in our place – around issue and place Visible leadership around culture and healthy challenge Pragmatic doing Strategic priorities, structures and roles
Leicestershire's Partnership Structures – Simplified!
Pulling it all together in Blaby… Leader of Council is Chair of County Health & Wellbeing Board I am the County Lead for District Council Chief Executives for Health and Housing District Council Health Leads meetings Blaby District Staying Healthy Forum GP Locality meetings hosted by BDC Public Health officer working from BDC CCG officer working from BDC
Blaby District Staying Healthy Forum Purpose: -Work with partners to reduce health inequalities in the District -Co-ordinate, identify gaps, secure resources & deliver
Staying Healthy Forum - Priorities (based on JSNA): -Ageing Population -Obesity & Healthy Weight -Teenage Pregnancy & Sexual Health -Substance Abuse -Smoking & Tobacco Control -Mental Health & Wellbeing
Blaby District Staying Healthy Forum How do we measure progress? -Key indicators for each of the 6 Priorities -Monitored at quarterly forum meetings -Sub-groups to focus on delivery Examples of recent work: -Local Health Services Brochure -New website launched - -Mental health awareness training delivered to 27 front line staff -Investigating excess winter deaths -Homefinder website- -Health Action Plan -Etc etc
Using the DCN Guidance / Structure 1)The Wider Determinants of Health: -Planning -Housing -Benefits -Community Safety 2) Health Improvement: -Smoking Cessation -Alcohol & Substance Misuse -Healthy Eating & Physical Activity 3) Health Protection: -Disease Control & Food Safety -Contamination & Emergency Planning -Air & Noise Pollution 4) Corporate Actions: -Making Every Contact Count (MECC) -Supporting Leicestershire Families (SLF) -Council Reports -Staying Healthy Forum
Are You a Chadwick or a Snow or Doesn't it Matter?
Just the start of the journey… Any questions?