Hate Crime All Wales Hate Crime Research Project Mair Rigby, Project Officer
Definitions Hate Incident Any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate Hate Crime Any hate incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate Hate Crime: Delivering a Quality Service, Good Practice and Tactical Guidance, ACPO (2005).
Monitored Hate Crime Disability Gender reassignment/transgender Race and ethnicity Religion and belief Sexual orientation
Recorded Figures for Wales
Challenges Limited evidence of the nature and extent of hate crime Significant under reporting by victims Increase in online hate incidents/crime Lack of awareness of “mate crime” and its relationship to hate crime Relatively few perpetrators brought to justice Lack of confidence in criminal justice system and support services among targeted communities
National Research 3 year project funded by Big Lottery Capacity building activities 1, 800 survey respondents 60 victims interviewed about their experiences Final report with recommendations due in September 2013
Welsh Government All Wales Framework for Action Against Hate Crime 3 Objectives: 1) Prevention 2) Reporting, training and support 3) Improving operational response Consultation on framework July 2013
Contact Mair Rigby