What is NJHS? A national organization that leads into National Honor Society in high school. It’s called “Mustang Honor” at Kinard, and this is its second year. It’s a leadership and service club that focuses on helping children and promoting learning.
Who can join? 6th,7th, and 8th graders You need to maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average each Quarter. You need to complete an application process if you were not a member last year. If you were a member last year, you need to participate in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project.
What are the requirements? Maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average each Quarter. Contribute 4 hours of time to NJHS meetings and/or projects each semester.
What if I’m really busy? No problem. You do have to commit time and effort, but we’ve made membership as flexible as possible. You can come to meetings on Wednesday mornings (7:00 –7:50 a.m., Media Center) and help plan and organize. OR…you can sign up and do a job for a service project. OR…you can participate in a service project. OR…you can come to a “Fun Night” when they’re scheduled and help for a few hours.
What kinds of projects does NJHS do? Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF (October) Movie Night planned for early January as a welcome back to 2nd semester, to benefit a charity the members will choose (planned in November/December) A major fundraiser for a world charity (members will choose…last year it was Haiti) (Feb. or March) Spring Walkathon to benefit a local cause (last year, it was the Make-a-Wish Foundation) (May)
It’s a great leadership/service opportunity. Why should I join? It’s a great leadership/service opportunity. It’s a lot of fun.
Where do I start? Members from last year: Come to the Wednesday morning meetings and/or check the big bulletin board in the upstairs Yellow pod for jobs relating to the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project. If you haven’t gotten one, pick up an information sheet. New Members: Pick up an application packet and read it through carefully; attend the required meetings. See Mrs. Downing or Ms. Page if you’ve got questions!
Come see us! We’re glad to help you. Mrs. Downing Room 414 (Yellow Pod, upstairs, in the corner) Ms. Page Room 413 (Yellow Pod, upstairs, in the corner)