Healthy Business Award Rosemary Lee Wigan Council Consumer Protection Department April 2009
A Marriage Made in Heaven?
The size of the problem Only 36% have a healthy body weight Over 20% are obese or very obese Over 35% are over weight Rising childhood obesity High blood pressure, CHD, Type 2 Diabetes, some cancers, etc
Time to move on? Smokefree Massive departmental reorganisation Rogers etc Under threat, Out sourcing? Time to move on?
We needed a plan!
Courting! Partnership working –We have the skills –We have the access –They have the money
No new wheels
Don’t forget the research! Dissertation research Heartbeat & others –Relatively low uptake –Popular with caterers and EHPs –Little customer awareness –Tendency to slip!
Why do we have a problem? Lack of exercise Loss of life skills within the home More eating outside of the home The social acceptability of snacking Lack of nutrition knowledge in the catering industry
Our wish list Sufficient dedicated staff High profile publicity Interested and informed proprietors and staff Consumer demand
Reality check Staff funding Resources for media Council (and Cabinet) backing Resources for training Food hygiene Big bang!
The Award Suitable for all food businesses Variations for client group Combination approach –Health by stealth (Kitchen practices) –Healthier alternatives to premium menu items –Healthy specials or menu section –Smaller Portions/ Children’s menu –Breastfeeding friendly
Monitoring Sampling Self assessment Customer feedback Mystery Shopper Regular visits
We don’t have a problem Do we? Can’t cook Don’t cook
The proposal & the dowry Presentation to PCT Bidding process Thinking big The final figure
A very suitable marriage! Fully funded award Well supported by national bodies Interest of major manufacturer National nursery company Possibility of further interventions/awards Possibility of spread
The honeymoon Joy! A new home In sickness In health
Back to reality! The service level agreement Targets Prescription Trust Marital bliss…… a stable relationship
Barriers A different language & culture The need to tick boxes Communication Service reorganisations Branding & the logo police Resistance to change
In the mean time 20 pilot businesses Diverse Cooking or preparing on site Tried out ideas & paper work
Focus groups Feed back from trial Views & What they wanted –From the award –From us
The Award Suitable for all food businesses Variations for client group Combination approach –Health by stealth (Kitchen practices) –Healthier alternatives to premium menu items –Healthy specials or menu section –Smaller Portions/ Children’s menu –Breastfeeding friendly
How do we know the meals are healthier? Sampling out –Too expensive –Too slow –Businesses too keen Analysis in –Designed for the catering sector –Used by us, adapted for the consumer
Successes We have a new team We have funding We have a new award Enthusiasm and direction from caterers Public interest
What we didn’t get An over arching broadly compliant award. An escape route for the EH team Understanding business award Sampling baseline
What we did get Massive funding Healthy Business Award Community interest & involvement Partnership working has become acceptable Calorie counted food
A Marriage Made in Heaven? Thank you Rosemary Lee Chartered EHP