Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Regional Programme Muzahid Khan
Aim To support the development of the BME VCS in Yorkshire and the Humber
Outcomes 1.Supporting the development of a regional BME voice 2.Improved management and leadership of BME infrastructure organisations 3.Increased information, intelligence & connection between BME VCOs, generalist infrastructure 4.Increased BME groups engagement with service providers from the VC Sector 5.Positive engagement between local authorities, regional agencies and BME VCS
The story so far… Communication – BME Voice Newspaper, Webinar(s), E-groups, Seminars, Policy responses Commissioning and procurement conference Leadership for survival training Consultations – survey of BME VCS LIOs, survey of BME VCS organisations, consultations with agencies Established BME VCS senior officers network – planning for the future Networking, building trust, partnership working Working closely with agencies on BME issues
Forthcoming activities Webinar series Liberating leadership BME VCS future gazing The big environment debate Social enterprise event Policy drivers event Mapping the BME VCS Working with local authorities Management development Managing change