Physical Infrastructure and the Integrated Regional Strategy Will Kemp Planning Policy Manager Local Government Yorkshire and Humber
Overview Context Current evidence Future needs
Context: Need to look at infrastructure Capacity: opportunities and constraints (ie optimal use of existing infrastructure) Cross-boundary issues Strategic alignment Need to identify sub-regional priorities Economies of scale for local planning authorities (LPAs)
Context: Guidance Housing Green Paper (2007): ‘improved infrastructure planning’ Draft Community Infrastructure Levy (consultation 2009): Funding for delivery PPS12: requires evidence of supporting infrastructure for LDF Core Strategies Planning Advisory Service (2008): LDFs and infrastructure planning and delivery
Context: RSS Update (2009) Arups Study (2008) Individual engagement with utilities RSS Consultation responses
Context: lessons learnt
Context: Key messages from meetings with Utilities Electricity: base load requirements for high-rise development more exacting than for low-rise Gas: scope for off-takes diminishes with distance and gas network hierarchy (acute in rural areas) Telecoms: unlikely to constrain growth, but need to help transition to ‘fibre to the home’ Water supply: unlikely to be a constraint Wastewater treatment: good coverage at a local level, but unclear regional picture General process: need to consult providers – but at the right time (i.e. the more specific the better)
Context: RSS Update
Current evidence: Areas of Operation
Current evidence: Assets
Current evidence: Networks
Current evidence: Capacity
Future needs: IRS timescale Spring 2010: Evidence Base Summer 2010: Policy Options Autumn 2010: Options Consultation - Informal Spring 2011: Draft IRS Consultation - Formal Winter 2011: EiP Autumn 2012: Final IRS
Future needs: Guidance CLG/ BIS Policy Statement on SRSs a)Purpose ‘Long Term Strategic Framework’ ‘Promote Sustainable Economic Growth’ b) Context ‘How the Strategy’s plans for sustainable economic growth, housing and other development have taken account of available infrastructure, capacity and strategic requirements’
Future needs: Approach Key Principles Strategic v Local Distinction Proactive and Reactive Input Joined up regional, sub- regional and local work
Future needs: strategic focus Strategic Development Constraints Transport, Flood Defences, Water/ Wastewater Treatment Strategic Services Gas, electricity, telecoms, (secondary) education, healthcare (hospitals), police, waste, green infrastructure Strategic Facilities Other
Future needs: Sub- regional priorities Missing maps (assets, networks) Composite maps (sub-regional) Regional Water Cycle Scoping Study Infrastructure assessment tables
Conclusions Endebted to RDA/RUG/utilities Right to be pro-active, but capacity assessment not always possible Need to engage utilities at right stage (i.e. with draft final numbers) Need to join up evidence base (need for comments on Phase 2 work) Need to identify sub-regional issues and focus on strategic showstoppers