1 The 2.4 GHz ISM band Paul Hansell CEng MIEE Managing Director, Aegis Systems Ltd
2 Structure of the presentation Background objectives & approach applications Study findings problem areas possible policy solutions Recommendations core recommendations further recommendations
3 Study background 2.4 GHz ISM band largely “licence exempt” regulation is minimal access is free global allocation ideally suited to high density fixed and mobile … has led to increasing demand for use
4 Study objectives The objectives of the work were: to estimate demand for use of the band currently and over the next two to five years to forecast bottle-necks for the use of new wireless technology to advise on spectrum management strategies for handling demand
5 Study method Literature review Industry consultation 50 people from 37 organisations contributed: 20 face to face interviews (13 organisations) 10 telephone interviews (9 organisations) 20 written contributions Special thanks to the FEI Congestion modeling & analysis Recommendations
6 Structure of the band ISM Military SRD AVI Outside Broadcast Links Radio Local Area Networks (Rec 70-03) Short Range Devices (Rec 70-03)
GHz - diverse applications
8 Diverse expectations of growth
9 Based on earlier Aegis & SE24 work Used appropriate working assumptions for system parameters (eg power, duty cycle) Density figures based on market forecasts Sought to identify key areas of concern high: systems likely to experience on-going, noticeable degradation in QoS moderate: occasional noticeable degradation low: no noticeable degradation Forecasting congestion
10 Problems: potential congestion … outdoor applications - the key problem area Victim Interferer
11 Problems: licence issues Today: Use of outdoor RLANs by ISPs Tomorrow: Use of any licence exempt application to compete with a licensed service (ie UMTS / FWA)
12 Policy options: containment Do nothing not good for “UK plc” Close the band no expansion of RFA prevent any further outdoor RLANs Tighten constraints directional antennas polite operations power limits digital technology
13 Policy options: migration Refarming Military ENG/OB RFA Wireless networking New licence exempt bands 5 GHz ISM
14 Core recommendations Address congestion from outdoor applications by refarming Ideally refarm two out of three applications: if not: mandate power control, directionality, digitalisation 1. Congestion 2. Licensing Resolve ISP legitimacy question Note potential impact on UMTS/FWA vs customer choice 3. Hot spots Limit public services to 1mW
15 Additional recommendations Military Discuss military vacation of band to reduce uncertainty and help standardise licence situation Polite operations Should be actively encouraged Further licence exempt bands Explore possibilities for additional spectrum
16 Conclusions 2.4 GHz ISM offers great potential for UK Future congestion is manageable but requires action now w.r.t. outdoor systems Action on licensing needed once public vs private issue resolved Additional licence exempt bands merit further thought
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