How do we improve our aid statistics? Sian Rasdale, Sam Kutnick & Jane Casey
Presentation overview Introduction What is ODA? What is the 0.7% target? International reporting of ODA UK ODA statistics UK aid spend in 2013 Improvements to DFID’s statistical outputs
Definition of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Official flows DAC List of ODA Recipients Multilateral Organisations Primary purpose is the economic development and welfare of developing country Concessional in character and conveys a grant element of at least 25 per cent
What is ODA? Temporary assistance to refugees from developing countries Research into tropical diseases Sponsoring athletes from developing countries travel costs Training of police. Activities designed to combat terrorism The supply of military equipment and services
What is ODA? Temporary assistance to refugees from developing countries Research into tropical diseases Sponsoring athletes from developing countries travel costs Training of civilian police. Activities designed to combat terrorism The supply of military equipment and services
Why the British Government uses ODA? Target to spend 0.7% of GNI on aid in 2013 DFID and other UK government departments spend money on aid which contributes to this target ODA provides the internationally recognised definition to report on aid spend in clear, transparent and accountable way – the OECD oversee this.
International Reporting – the OECD DAC
International Reporting - how the UK engages The Working Party for Statistics (WP-STAT) and the DAC Secretariat governs the reporting around ODA. The UK follows these guidelines, participates in this International Working Party and Reports ODA twice a year to the OECD estimates of ODA The UK assists with technical work of the WP-STAT at a statistical level and also works on the modernisation of ODA at a political level
Allows international Comparison / track global ODA to developing countries In 2012, $127bn globally, was spent on ODA Allows comparisons between different donors
What the UK does to collect, analyse and disseminate data on aid The UK collects data from all ODA spending government departments and combined with DFID data Quality Assurance is run on the data collected Return QA’d data to the OECD DAC Data analysed on 2 basis – ODA and GPEX for NS Pubs Analysis mainly around global comparisons, sector breakdowns and regional breakdowns of spend. DAC analyses global ODA data UK data disseminated in National Statistics Publication OECD DAC disseminates detailed microdata on UK ODA spend (with project info)
Provisional UK aid spend in 2013 0.7 UN target
Provisional UK aid spend in 2013 £11.4bn Total ODA £6.7bn Bilateral ODA £4.8bn Multilateral ODA 46% 21%
What we know so far in 2013: Breakdown of aid spend by government department DFID – is largest contributor to UK ODA but many other gov depts also spend and report ODA. Two second largest being the FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office) and DECC (Deparment for Energy & Climate Change)
Profile of UK aid spend 2012: where the UK’s bilateral aid is spent
Top 20 recipients of aid in 2012
Our National Statistics Publications Statistics on International Development (2013) Provisional ODA as a Proportion of GNI
Statistics on International Development Provides an overview of official UK spend on international development covering: Total UK spend on international development for the latest 2012 calendar year Trends over the past 5 years Key breakdowns by destination country or organisation, type of assistance and purpose International comparisons
ODA GPEX ODA vs GPEX International measure of aid spend Official Development Assistance International measure of aid spend Figures on calendar year basis Based on net flows of aid Only includes aid to recipients (countries and organisations) defined to be eligible by the DAC Detailed project information reported using DAC categories GPEX Gross Public Expenditure National measure of aid spend Figures on financial year basis Based on gross flows of aid Includes aid to all countries Includes total core contributions to organisations Detailed project information reported using DFID categories
Types of information on bilateral ODA currently reported Total grants, total non grants Recipient country & region Top 20 recipients Government Department Recipient country by Government Dept Sector Type of aid
Types of information on multilateral ODA currently reported Total grants (of which UN & EC) Subscriptions & promissory notes (of which IDA, regional dev banks) Multilateral agency spend by country
How do we improve the SID? UK v International comparisons GPEX v ODA Commentary v Graphics Detailed hot topics v general overview Multilateral v Bilateral Detailed tables v summary tables & raw data
Our short user consultation will be posted there next week Thank you! For more information please see: Our short user consultation will be posted there next week Contact details: Neil Jackson ( Sian Rasdale ( Sam Kutnick ( Jane Casey (