Welcome Rother District Council and Rother Voluntary Action Localism Act Workshop 30 January 2012
Rother Localism Act Workshop: Rapid overview Introduction Delegates from a range of organisations Bring everyone to a similar level of information if possible Overview to be followed by drill down into further detail and thought To enable better informed table discussion of the local implications
Rother Localism Act Workshop: Rapid overview Background to the Act Political context –“the time has come to disperse power more widely in Britain today” The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, Coalition Agreement, May 2010 Decentralisation – move away from central target setting and inspection regime Legislative context –Local Government Act 2000 –Strong and Prosperous Communities 2006 Economic context –Deficit reduction, global financial climate Social context –Concern over state of society and community
Rother Localism Act Workshop: Rapid overview Purpose of the legislation New rights and powers enshrined in law Passing freedoms and flexibilities to local government and communities Driving local government reform to reinforce local democratic leadership Enable innovation in public service, cost-conscious decision making See also Open Public Services White Paper
Rother Localism Act Workshop Passage of the Bill Localism Bill was published in December 2010 Some challenge in the Commons and Lords Some significant amendments Enacted 15 November 2011 Regulation and orders expected through Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government before 1 April and ongoing
Rother Localism Act Workshop Overview of provisions General powers General power of competence Council structures Standards provisions Predetermination Business rate relief Referendums to control excessive council tax rises Requirement to publish pay policy
Rother Localism Act Workshop Overview of provisions (cont’d) Community powers Right to challenge Right to buy and role of community asset register Planning reform Abolition of regional plan Introduction of the Community Infrastructure levy Introduction of neighbourhood planning powers
Rother Localism Act Workshop Overview of provisions (cont’d) Housing reform Local allocations policy Flexibility in tenure Homelessness duties for the housing authority Requirement for a tenancy strategy Other London and cities Directly elected mayors European fines