Briefing for Governors: Performance in Leeds and the role of governors in improving outcomes Children’s Performance Service March 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Briefing for Governors: Performance in Leeds and the role of governors in improving outcomes Children’s Performance Service March 2014

OFSTED expectations of Governing Bodies “Inspectors must evaluate the extent to which governors both challenge and support the school and hold senior staff, including the headteacher, to account for the achievement of the pupils… and should determine how well governing bodies evaluate the performance of the school, particularly in terms of: pupil progress; the leadership of teaching; the management of staff; and the difference made by initiatives.” OFSTED Subsidiary Guidance, January 2014

OFSTED expectations of Governing Bodies Inspectors should consider whether governors:  understand the strengths and weaknesses of the school, including the quality of teaching  understand and take sufficient account of pupil data  are aware of the impact of teaching on learning and progress in different subjects and year groups  are challenging and supporting leadership in equal measure OFSTED Subsidiary Guidance, January 2014

Data Sources for Governing Bodies OFSTED Data Dashboard RAISEonline Fischer Family Trust Governor Dashboard Analyses provided by LA Internal school tracking data

The national and local perspective Governors need to know how their school compares to national levels of achievement Each school will have unique characteristics and issues which are specific to their own situation However The outcomes achieved by each school in Leeds contribute to the overall outcomes for our city.

Headlines: EYFS In Leeds the percentage of children achieving a “Good Level of Development” is in line with national BUT We are the worst performing LA for the gap indicator

EYFS Gap Leeds Gap National Gap

EYFS Questions for Governors: How many children at our school are in the Leeds bottom 20%? How many children at our school did not achieve ANY of the Early Learning Goals? Do we expect similar outcomes in future years?

Headlines: KS1 KS1 outcomes have been well below national for the last 5 years Despite some recent improvements, Leeds remains in 4 th quartile of LAs on all end of Key Stage indicators

Key Stage 1

KS1 Questions for Governors: How does my school’s Key Stage 1 outcomes compare to national? How are results changing over time? How does my school judge pupil progress from the Foundation Stage?

Headlines: Key Stage 2 Leeds is 1-2 % pts below national on most attainment indicators BUT Leeds is well above national for KS1-2 progress rates. (1 st quartile for reading & writing) Need to remember historic poor outcomes at KS1 may contribute to inflated progress at KS2

Key Stage 2 % achieving Level 4+ in reading, writing & maths

KS2 Questions for Governors: Is my school above the KS2 floor standard? How do progress rates in my school compare to national?

Headlines: Key Stage 4 Leeds continues to perform well where GCSE “equivalences” are measured, but performs poorly when only GCSEs are measured Leeds is ranked 51 st (2 nd Quartile) for 5+A*- Cs, and 37 th (1 st Quartile) for Total Points Score - including equivalent qualifications Leeds is ranked 115 th (4 th Quartile) for 5+A*- Cs including English & Maths GCSE Leeds is ranked 132 nd and 114 th (4 th Quartile) for the proportion of students making expected progress in English and Maths GCSEs.

“Hot” Issues: GCSE Equivalencies

KS4 Question for Governors: How does my school compare to national in relation to outcomes in GCSEs and in equivalent qualifications? Is my school above the DfE Floor Standard? How does rates of progress in English and Maths GCSE compare to national?

Headlines: Post -16 Leeds continues to perform above national at A Level in terms of average point scores and in terms of the proportion of students achieving 2 or more A Levels However Leeds has below national outcomes for the proportion of students achieving higher grades Success rates for FSM eligible students are much lower than average Proportion of young people who are NEET has fallen, but is still above national

Post-16 Questions for Governors: How does the demographic profile of our sixth form differ to the rest of the school? What are the destinations of our students post 16 and post 18? Do the results achieved by different departments differ at our school?

“Headlines: Gaps Gaps for vulnerable groups are wider in Leeds than nationally at every Key Stage Especially FSM, SEN, EAL, some BME, CLA still well below average, but compare well to national CLA

, Key Stage 2 - Percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in Reading, Writing and Maths - FSM

, Key Stage 4 - Percentage of pupils achieving 5 A*-C at GCSE including English and Maths - FSM

Population Change Overall population has increased dramatically over the last 5 years, but vulnerable groups have grown even quicker. reception cohort 2009 v 2013: total pupils (+14%) FSM children (+34%), EAL children, (+32%), BME children (+26%).

Population Change Gaps for vulnerable groups will have an increasing impact on overall outcomes

Vulnerable Groups and “Gaps” Questions for Governors: Is our school population changing over time? Who are our vulnerable groups and what are their outcomes? How is pupil premium funding used and what has been the impact? What strategies are being employed to improve outcomes for our most vulnerable learners?