Wiltshire RE Starter Stimulus Starter ideas for the following key question from the 2011 Agreed Syllabus: KS2.9 Why is pilgrimage important to some religious believers? This resource aims to provide some stimulus images and ideas to help pupils begin to address the above question. This starter resource focuses on pilgrimage in Islam, although some of the strategies could easily be used with pilgrimages in other religions. It links to the following learning outcomes from p.58 of the syllabus: Pupils can: ii. explain the meaning of pilgrimage for some believers iii. ask some thoughtful questions about why pilgrims choose to undertake a pilgrimage and suggest some possible answers
1. My once in a lifetime journey! Is there somewhere in the world that you really must visit in your lifetime? Where is it and why would you want to go there? What benefits would you get from going there? Here are some hints to get you thinking: …somewhere beautiful, alone, or with one or two others? e.g. a desert island …somewhere wild, back to nature? e.g. a safari …somewhere noisy, with thousands of others like me? e.g. Twickenham …doing something fun and exciting? e.g. Disneyworld …doing something scary and exciting – a thrill? e.g. Bungee-jumping …doing something to help people less fortunate than me? e.g. drought victims in Africa …somewhere in the footsteps of my hero/heroine? e.g. Old Trafford …somewhere that reflects my own religious belief? e.g. Jerusalem
2. Hajj – pilgrimage for Muslims For most Muslims, their once-in-a-lifetime place to visit would be Makkah, birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the place where he received the revelation of the Holy Qur’an from God. One of the five pillars of Islam is Hajj – or pilgrimage. Once in their lifetime, all Muslims should try and go on Hajj, if they are able to. They carry out some rituals, following in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad’s last pilgrimage. On the next slide are six images showing some of the rituals of the Hajj. What do you think is happening? What questions do you have from these pictures? What might the pilgrim be thinking in each situation?
3.Working out the story Print out slides 4 and 6. Ask pupils to match the pictures and the words, and then to put them in chronological order.
4.Exploring Images of Hajj Search for images of Hajj online. E.g. What words describe the images? How would it feel to be part of this huge event? How do the images show the pilgrims’ devotion to Allah? What questions do the images raise? What might be going on behind the photographer?
5. The heart of Hajj The key idea behind Hajj is ummah – community. a) In pairs, sort the cards on slide 8 to see how many of the rituals of Hajj promote this sense of family and community between Muslims. Make sure you can explain why you think they do this. b) Choose the three actions/rituals which you both think give Muslims the strongest feeling of community. Why do you think these actions have such an impact.
Before setting off: Muslims will make sure they have paid all their debts and that their families are okay while they are away. Before setting off: Muslims will pray to Allah, announcing their intention to go on Hajj (niyyah). On the way: Muslims will keep up their prayer five times a day, reading the Qur’an and living a saintly life. Muslims go on Hajj because it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam – one of their duties, if they can afford to go. Millions of Muslims travel to Makkah in Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Muhammad (pbuh), in order to follow in his footsteps. The area around Makkah is called the Haram. No non-Muslims may enter it. It is an area of purity and non-violence. On arrival, Muslims change into ihram clothing – plain, unsewn pieces of white cloth. This stands for identity, purity, equality and unity. Many Muslims keep their ihram robes. When they die their body is wrapped in the robes as a shroud. Day 1: Pilgrims make their way to the Ka’ba, the holiest place on earth, the closest point to heaven. Whenever a Muslim prays anywhere in the world, they turn to face the Ka’ba in Makkah. It was the first place built for worshipping Allah. Day 1: Tawaf. Pilgrims walk round the Ka’ba seven times anti- clockwise. Some see it as a rehearsal for the Day of Judgment after death. Day 2: Wuquf. Pilgrims stand at Arafat from midday to sunset, praying to Allah. It reminds them of Judgment Day, when everyone must own up to all their sins. Day 2: Wuquf. Pilgrims believe that their prayers are 1000 times more effective here than at home. They ask for their sins to be forgiven and wiped away. They pray for others too. Day 3: Jamra. Pilgrims throw small stones at a pillar representing Shaytan (Satan – the devil). It shows that they reject evil in their lives and in the world. Day 4: Eid Pilgrims celebrate the festival of Eid ul-Adha. They offer a sacrifice to Allah. They try to remember people who don’t have as much as they do.
c) List at least three benefits Muslims might gain from going on Hajj. (Think about how it will help them in their ordinary everyday lives when they return home from pilgrimage.) d) Compare the benefits you would get from going to your once-in-a-lifetime place. In what ways are your hopes similar to those of Muslims? In what ways are they different?
Suggested “I can” outcomes from this starter resource: L3 I can describe four things that happen on Hajj I can say what is similar and different about my own once-in-a-lifetime place to visit L4 I can explain why Hajj is so important for Muslims, giving at least four reasons, connecting with the rituals from the pilgrimage I can talk about why community, unity, equality and peace would be valuable for Muslims on Hajj and also in my own community