Welcome ITT Clarification Event - Competitiveness 15 th June 2009
Agenda 1ESF Overview 2Invitation to Tender 3Application Process – Do’s and Don’ts 4ITT Forms 5Q & A session
ESF Overview 01
South West Region Competitiveness and Employment – South West region excluding Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Convergence – Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Other Considerations Linkages ERDF / RDPE / Innovation and Transnational / JCP ESF Mainstream Sectors Basic Skills Train to Gain Sustainable Community Strategies and LAAs Sub-contracting Arrangements Evaluation
Adding Value to Mainstream
Invitation to Tender 02
Invitation to Tender SW Regional ITTs 02
Specification Titles South West Skills for Life CPD Employer Engagement Apprenticeship Support
Employer Responsive Priority 2 target group – focused on those who are employed and includes those either at risk of redundancy or recently made redundant. Emphasis on workforce with basic skills needs without relevant level 2 or 3 qualifications and/or Higher Level Skills.
Funding available – £700,000 Geographical location – All South West region, excluding Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 2,500 SMEs contacted End date – Sept 2011 Employer Engagement – Apprenticeship Support
Apprenticeship Support Employer Engagement Results – Programme 1 A minimum of 300 employers signed up and engaged into the Apprenticeship programme A minimum of 320 Apprenticeship starts/retentions – measured at the end of the 13 week induction period Programme 2 A minimum of 160 Apprenticeship places retained on programme or new starts where yearly intake levels are maintained.
South West Skills for Life CPD Funding available – £340,000 Geographical location – Wiltshire, Swindon, West of England, Gloucester, Dorset, Somerset, Plymouth/Devon End date – June 2011
South West Skills for Life CPD Results – −Minimum of 20 Provider Action Plans per area – resulting in a minimum 160 South West providers supported over 2 year period. Activity to generate an additional 500 starts per annum through Train to Gain and workbased learning −Minimum of 5 employers per area per annum (40 employers over a 2 year period) supported. This activity to generate an additional 700 SfL starts per annum through Train to Gain −The 1,200 SfL starts and improved vocational achievements will be measured using LSC data, however the other outcomes will be measured through reports from Professional Development Coordinators (PDCs) using Statement of Delivery
ITT evaluation commences in July 2009 –Using fair, transparent and robust scoring framework Contract Award panels will agree each contract offer against the original tender specification Local partnership team carry out “contract clarification” with relevant providers Contracts expected to start from late August/September 2009 ITT Process
Application Process - Do’s and Don’ts 03
DO Read the “Read me first” document FIRST Start early, save regularly Publish your response well before closing date Only use the message facility on Bravo for queries Check that the ITT is complete before submitting -Attachments must be attached -All asterisked sections MUST be completed If you need guidance try the “supplier help guide” on the e-tendering portal or
DO NOT Alter the documentation Try to upload documents other than Word or Excel Omit Attachments −if they are missing when we are evaluate then you will not be successful Leave it until the last minute to submit / publish your tender Leave your LSC e-tendering session running with no activity - if you do your session will time-out after 15 minutes and you will lose all unsaved work
PLEASE NOTE SW ITTs Late Tenders will not be considered 5pm on the 26 th June 2009 is the deadline for SW Regional ITTs Only exceptions to this may be audited LSC technical problems
ITT Forms 04
Questionnaire Example ITT Forms
Costing spreadsheet ITT Forms
Terms and conditions of contract These are the terms and conditions of contract under which contracts will be let ITT Forms
Technical and commercial responses The technical instructions on how to complete the ITT response The commercial response is the demographic information for each specification, that providers wish to offer Eg: this many males/ females where and what their characteristics ITT Forms
Q & A Session 05
Q & A Session The content from these events will shortly be available at