Business Documents Assessment Objective 4
Write-up document: AO4 write-up This is the biggest part of the whole unit! You need to complete the following documents and hand them in to your teacher: Business Letter Memo Flyer 4-page newsletter Write-up document: AO4 write-up The next few slides will guide you on how to complete each of these…
Pass+ Font style Font size Justification Indents or Tabs Line spacing Bulleted list Numbered list Spelling checker At least two different types of graphics from: Clip art WWW Scanner Digital camera Spreadsheet Draw your own
Merit+ Tables Consistent layout Insert fields (Distinction only) House style (Distinction only) Most of the different types of graphics: Clip art WWW Scanner Digital camera Spreadsheet Draw your own
Create business documents (BUSINESS LETTER) The letter should be set out like this, but you can use your own house style. You should be offering a ‘buy-1-get1-free offer. Your teacher will show you how to Mail Merge your customer addresses into the letter.
Create business documents (MAIL MERGED LETTER) Distinction…
Create business documents (MAIL MERGED LETTER)
Flyer: Buy-1-Get-1-Free Create business documents (A FLYER) Downloadable Tunes A4 in size Offering Buy-1-Get-1-Free Try to include your ‘house style’ e.g. logo, colour scheme, slogan
Date: Memo to: From: Subject: Logo: Create business documents (MEMO) Has to include these things: Try to include your own design, with your ‘house style’ included
Compulsory. This must have tables graphs and charts from Excel.
Create business documents (BROCHURE) The newsletter should promote should promote the company to your customers. Make sure you check very carefully, what you need to include in the brochure by reading the task! Design the front and back of the brochure!