What are historical interpretations? An introduction to dealing with historical interpretations.


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Presentation transcript:

What are historical interpretations? An introduction to dealing with historical interpretations.

Hello, my name is Miss N. Terpretation. I am going to help you understand what historical interpretations are. Hello, my name is Miss N. Terpretation. I am going to help you understand what historical interpretations are.

Historical interpretations are thoughtful efforts to explain past events, changes or the actions of individuals. Historical interpretations are thoughtful efforts to explain past events, changes or the actions of individuals.

An example of an historical interpretation might be... An example of an historical interpretation might be...

But an interpretation can also be... But an interpretation can also be...

or even... or even...

Yet an historical interpretation could also be Yet an historical interpretation could also be

Can you think of any other interpretations? Can you think of any other interpretations?

So what is it that makes something an historical interpretation? So what is it that makes something an historical interpretation?

Well to put it simply historical interpretations are... Well to put it simply historical interpretations are... Reflections of the past Well reasoned thoughts thoughts Planned in advance Efforts to explain the past

It is important to note that an interpretation cannot be... It is important to note that an interpretation cannot be... Written at the time Or by someone who lived through the events As they will be influenced by the events or person

To carry out an historical interpretation task you will need to compare at least two interpretations. To carry out an historical interpretation task you will need to compare at least two interpretations.

You will need to consider how the interpretations differ You will need to consider how the interpretations differ

and why this might be. and why this might be.

I hope this guide has been useful. I hope this guide has been useful. Good luck with your task! Good luck with your task!